关键词 > 48221MATLAB代写



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Spring 2021

Instructions for Assessment Task Three

Rationale: A city council is interested in solving quantitative wave theory problems to support the following activities:

- To perform crack detection in pipes using acoustic waves,

- To improve surfing conditions by adjusting bathymetry near the coast for water waves.

Senior engineers in council lack the time and necessary software access to undertake these calculations, so they have tasked your group as junior engineers to solve this problem given your familiarity with Matlab.

Submission overview: A higher-level summary of the requirements for this assessment task is presented in the table below.

Problem statement: Senior engineers in council have decided that they need the following quantitative wave theory problem solved:

Senior engineers have requested a spatial step size of h = 0.1 and a temporal step size of k = 0.1, although achieved with code that generalises to different spatial and temporal step sizes.

They have also indicated that your team can compare your numerical solution with the exact solution (when t = 0.3) for this problem which is:

Note well to use the approximation given in the lecture notes for using the initial velocity condition to solve for the j=1 timestep.

Submission requirements: For this assessment, two tasks need to be completed, namely:

Task #1 [20/30 marks allocated] involves writing a Matlab function that solves the wave equation problem given above.

In-class assistance: In weeks 9-11 of this subject, class time in this subject will be dedicated towards demonstrating the algorithm required to solve this problem. We will also dedicate most of the week 12 tutorial towards finalising the requirements for this assessment task.

Task #2 [10/30 marks allocated] involves completing a peer assessment task using the SPARKPlus tool at UTS: https://spark.uts.edu.au

Once groups are set up in SPARKPlus you can access the peer assessment using your normal UTS username and password.

Statement on group work: Working in groups can create frustration when there is workload imbalance or no proper credit recognition for roles within a team. The peer assessment activity (for which criteria are detailed below) is designed around ensuring that each team member contributes equally to the group project outcome.

In terms of group composition, randomised groups have been established initially. If you choose to form your own group that is fine, but in this case students have the additional responsibility of ensuring that their old group members have successfully formed a new group too so no-one gets left behind.

For this project, it would be good to call the first group meeting at the earliest possible time. If you know a student’s student number (e.g. 1234567) you can email them using [email protected]

The Microsoft Teams platform is highly recommended for teams to meet online, chat and share files for this project.

Marking Criteria Task One

Marking Criteria Task Two

The peer assessment will work in the following way:

Task #2a: A group member rates their performance on a five-point scale against a set of criteria such as: participation, time management, cooperation and feedback. The group member justifies these scores with short written answers for each criterion.

Task #2b: A group member then rates their other team members on the same criteria as themselves on the five-point scale. The group member justifies the scores for team members with short written answers for each criterion.

If Tasks #2a and #2b flag no issues with a group members performance, full marks will be allocated. If on the other hand, Tasks #2a and #2b indicate that a group member did not contribute as much as their self-evaluation suggests, then a reduced score will be offered for the peer assessment.

Failure to submit the peer evaluation will results in no marks being awarded for Task #2a and #2b.

In cases where extreme workload imbalance is validated, the peer assessment undertaken in Task #2 will be used to moderate the score achieved for Task #1.