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IFB107TC Information Systems Management


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Module code and Title

IFB107TC Information Systems Management

School Title

School of Intelligent Finance and Business

Assignment Title

Submission Deadline

5:00 PM 14th April 2024

Final Word Count

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General Information

Category                             Details

Submission Deadline         5:00 PM, 14th April 2024

Weight                            100% of course grade

Assessment Type             Individual project

Format Requirements

- Must include a cover page with student ID

- Report format: See Appendix A

- Typed, proofread, professional appearance

- Font: ‘Times New Roman’, ‘Arial’, or ‘Calibri’, size 12, 1.5 line spacing

- Text alignment: ‘Justified’

- Harvard Referencing for citations and references

Submission Requirements

- Submit in PDF format via Learning Mall Online

- File name: "IFB107TC-CW-Your ID"

- Ensure file is viewable after submission

- Late submissions subject to university’s late submission policy

Word Limit

2,000 words (± 10%)

Exclusions: table of contents, tables, figures, appendices, bibliography/references, Python/MySQL codes.

- Use tables and charts for concise communication

- Reports exceeding the word limit of 2,000 words (± 10%) may incur a penalty.

- Appendix Limitation:

Appendices are an important part of your report, providing supplementary information and evidence. However, to encourage conciseness and relevance, appendices exceeding 10 pages will not be considered in the grading process. Only the first 10 pages of the appendices will be reviewed and marked. This is to ensure that the main body of your report contains all critical analysis and discussion, while the appendices support these findings.

1. Scenario

In your capacity as a Data Analyst, you hold a vital role at one of the leading and most renowned hospitals in the region. The hospital's commitment to providing high-quality healthcare services is unwavering, and the senior management team has recognized the importance of leveraging data-driven insights to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of hospital operations. This recognition has led to your appointment with a crucial task at hand - to create a comprehensive and sophisticated database from a set of Sample Data and subsequently utilize it to conduct a thorough analysis aimed at improving various aspects of hospital services.

2. Your Responsibilities

Table 1. Overview of Tasks

Section                                  Description                             Word Limit (Recommendation) Marks

1. Database Theory

Q1: Define a database and its importance in a hospital information system. Include a brief definition and discuss the significance in managing patient data, staff information, and medical records.

Q2: Discuss data normalization in maintaining hospital data integrity. Explain its importance and role in ensuring accurate, consistent, and accessible data in the hospital's system.

Q1: 200 words

Q2: 100 words

Q1: 10

Q2: 5

2. ER Diagram Design

Task: Create an ER diagram from provided Sample Data. Explain the identified entities, relationships, and constraints.

Q: Explain how an ER diagram aids in hospital database design. Discuss its utility in creating a structured and efficient database for effective data management.

Task: 150 words

Q: 150 words

Task: 15

Q: 5

3. MySQL Usage

Task: Write MySQL code for creating a hospital database.

Include code for creating tables, relationships, and necessary queries based on Table 2's specifications.

400 words


4. Data Visualization

Task 1: Link MySQL to Python. Describe the process of connecting a MySQL database to Python for data analysis.

Task 2: Visualize Data using Python's Matplotlib. Create two charts/graphs and provide an analysis with a brief discussion of the visualized data.

Q: Assess the impact of data visualization on hospital decision-making. Discuss how visualizing data can aid in making informed decisions in hospital management.

Task 1: 100 words

Task 2: 200 words

Q: 100 words

Task 1: 5

Task 2:


Q: 5

5. Cutting-edge Database Techniques

Q: Investigate an emerging database technology in hospital data analysis. Explore and discuss a new technology or technique, its application in the healthcare sector, and potential benefits in data analysis and decision-making.

400 words


Overall Presentation and Code Quality

Evaluate the clarity and coherence of your analysis, and ensure proper documentation and organization of your code. Pay attention to code readability and efficiency.