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Globalization 1A03 – Global Citizenship Winter 2024


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Globalization 1A03 – Global Citizenship

Winter 2024

Research Paper Assignment


For this assignment you will complete an independent research project. The final deliverable is a written essay that develops a clear and informed response to one (1) of the questions listed below. If you wish to write on a different topic of your own choosing, you may do so — but you must obtain permission from your TA or the professor. When submitting your essay, please

indicate on the title page which question you have chosen. This assignment is worth 20% of your overall course grade.


To demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the key issues discussed in the course, you will prepare a research paper of approximately 2000 words that responds to a question chosen from the list below. The paper must be argumentative — meaning that it contains a clear thesis that takes a position in response to the chosen question and is supported by credible and compelling evidence drawn from your own research. The paper can draw upon required course  readings,but it must also reference a minimum of three (3) additional scholarly sources (i.e., not the course textbook or the assigned readings). Other types of sources —such as news articles, government reports, datasets, or even social media posts —can (and should!) also be used; but these will supplement rather than substitute for conventional scholarly sources (e.g., journal articles, academic books) and thus do not count as part of the 3 required sources. All of your sources must be cited using proper APA format, both in-text and in a bibliography at the end of the paper. Successful papers will provide clearly articulated and convincingly supported arguments that respond directly to the topic chosen and demonstrate a strong grasp of the key concepts and issues discussed in the course lectures and readings.

Your research paper is due at 11:59pm on Wednesday, April 10th.

Research Paper Topics:

1.   The cultural dimensions of contemporary globalization have been described in terms of both “cultural convergence” and “hybridization.” Explain the difference between these  two interpretations of cultural globalization and discuss which, in your view, provides a  more accurate description of the cultural aspects of globalization today, and why.

2.   Virtually every aspect of the contemporary human condition is shaped by the dynamics of globalization. Choose something from your own life —e.g., an item you have purchased, an action you have taken, an experience you have had, etc. — and explain in detail how it was made possible by globalization. Using your own independent research, trace the global dimensions of what you have chosen inasmuch depth as possible, including where the relevant processes take place and who else is affected.

3.   Major global sporting spectacles like the Olympic Games and the FIFA World Cup epitomize globalization in multiple ways. Using at least one specific case (e.g., a large sporting event with a global audience), discuss how the positive and negative aspects of globalization are/were reflected in that event and assess whether the societal benefits   outweigh(ed) the costs in the particular case you have chosen.

4.   Globalization is ultimately about interconnectivity between people and societies around the world. Choose a recent issue or event of global significance and, using what you have learned in this course and your own independent research, explain how your chosen issue or event demonstrates the deep interconnections that characterize the contemporary globalized world.

5.   How has the COVID-19 pandemic and its after-effects shaped the way globalization continues to develop as a phenomenon and be experienced by individuals and societies around the world?