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PHY132H1S Introduction to Physics II


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Introduction to Physics II

True/False Style Question

Each of the Questions 1 - 10 has two possible, opposing answers to choose from.

Only one answer is correct.

1.  Two neutral metallic spheres, labeled [1] and [2] are in contact with each other. A positively charged rod is brought close to the spheres, without touching them, as shown in the picture. Which of the following statements is true?

a.  The system of the two spheres will be attracted to the rod.

b.  The system of the two spheres will be repelled by the rod.

2.  Which of these figures best represents the field lines due to two opposite point charges?

3.  Two identical charges, originally separated by distance r were brought closer together. The electric potential energy of this system of two charges:

a.  Increased.

b.  Decreased.

4.  A parallel plate capacitor, made of two plates with cross-section A separated by distance d has capacitance An insulator with a dielectric constant K is inserted between the plates of the capacitor, changing its capacitance to C. Which of the statements is correct?

5.  A wire made of a conducting material is connected to a battery that provides a fixed potential difference Δvab twice, once with the entire length of the wire connected across the battery and once with only half of it connected, as shown in Figure #1 and Figure #2 below. In which case will the current through the wire be larger?

a.  Figure #1.

b.  Figure #2.

6.  Figure on the  right  shows the  magnitude  of the electric field created by a solid sphere of radius R, carrying charge |Q|, as a function of distance T from the center of the sphere. What can be said about the material that the sphere is made of?

a.  It is a conductor.

b.  It is a dielectric.

7.  Figure on the right shows a charged particle moving with speed v in −z direction in the magnetic field B that points in the −y direction and experiencing force F in the −x direction. What is the sign of the charge?

a.  Positive.

b.  Negative.

8. Angle of reflection is always equal to the angle of incidence.

a. True.

b. False.

9. A lens creates a virtual, upright, and enlarged (|m| > 1) image when the object is placed distance |d| < |f| from the lens. What type of lens is it?

a. Concave

b. Convex

10. A film of air is trapped between two thick layers of glass, as shown in the picture below. Which of the following statements is true?

a.  Rays T1 and T2  are in phase with each other.

b.  Rays T1 and T2  are out of phase with each other.

Multiple choice questions.

Each of the Questions 11 - 30 has four possible answers to choose from.

Only one answer is correct.

11. A plastic rod that has been charged with charge −Q touches a metal sphere. Afterward, the rod’s charge is −2Q. What kind of charged particles were transferred between the rod and the sphere and in which direction?

a.  Electrons were transferred from the rod to the sphere.

b.  Protons were transferred from the rod to the sphere.

c.  Electrons were transferred from the sphere to the rod.

d.  Protons were transferred from the sphere to the rod.

12. A dipole, consisting of two charges q+  = +0.60 μC and q= −0.60 μC separated by distance S = 5.0 mm, is carefully placed near a stationary charge Q = 4.0 μC and to the left of it. The center of the dipole is d = 2.0 cm from the charge Q , with the positive charge placed closer to it, as shown in the picture. What is the magnitude and direction of the net electric force exerted by the charge Q on the dipole?

a.  Fnet  = 113 N in −x direction

b.  Fnet  = 27.8 N in −x direction

c.  Fnet  = 113 N in +x direction

d.  Fnet  = 27.8 N in +x direction

13. A proton (mp) and an electron (me ) were placed in a uniform electric field E and released. Which of the following statements is true?

a.  The particles will experience accelerations of the same magnitude in the same direction.

b.  The particles will experience accelerations of the same magnitude in opposite directions.

c.  The particles will experience accelerations of different magnitudes in the same direction.

d.  The particles will experience accelerations of different magnitudes in opposite directions.

14.In certain region in space a uniform electric field of magnitude E = 90 N/C points in −y direction. Electric potential at point A = (8.0, 6.0) m is equal to 1260 V. What is the electric potential at origin (point (0, 0)m)?

a. V0 = 360 V

b. V0 = 720 V

c. V0 = 1800 V

d. V0 = 2160 V

15.Consider a multi-loop circuit shown in the picture below. Which of the Kirchhoff’s laws written for this circuit is correct?

16. Resistors  R1  = 5.00 Ω, R2  = 10.00 Ω, R3  = 7.50 Ω, R4  = 13.0 Ω and R5  = 9.00 Ω are connected to a battery ε , as shown in the picture below. If the total power of 1.70 W is dissipated by the circuit, what is the emf of the battery?

a.  ε = 10.2 V

b.  ε = 8.70 V

c.  ε = 3.19 V

d.  ε = 2.63 V