关键词 > MECH411/501

MECH 411/501 Department of Mechanical Engineering


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Department of Mechanical Engineering

MECH 411/501

Fall 21

Course Project

In this project, you will model and control the Rotating Swing System shown in Figure 1 for two scenarios: Scenario I is when all system components are made of stainless steel. Scenario II is when all system components are made of stainless steel except Swing I which is made of aluminum. A CAD file is provided to you to extract the geometry of the system.

For each scenario, consider the following:

Derive the kinematics equations as outlined in Appendix A.

Use BOTH Newtonian and Lagrangian methods to derive the equations of motion.

Determine and plot all internal/reaction forces and moments.

Perform linearization and address the limitation of linear models if any.

For Scenario 1, the control problem is to make Swing I and Swing II simultaneously follow a sinusoidal motion between the vertical and horizontal orientations (tracking control).

For Scenario II, the control problem is to drive both Swing I and Swing II to their horizontal orientation (set-point control).

For both Scenarios I and II, you need to explore linear model/linear control and nonlinear model/nonlinear control.

For both Scenarios I and II, you need to plot the state variables, the input torque and all reaction/internal forces and moments.


October 5 [Canvas]: Submit the kinematics equations as outlined in Appendix A.

TBD [Canvas]: Submit the equations of motion of your system for Scenarios I and II using the Newtonian approach.

TBD [Canvas]: Submit the equations of motion of your system for Scenarios I and II using using the Lagrangian approach.

December 14 (last day of final examinations) [Canvas]: Submit a final quality typed paper report similar in format and content to an ASME or IEEE journal paper.

Course Project Final Paper

Due Date: December 14, 2021

The Report:

Write a paper report. The paper must be typed and submitted electronically (PDF format). The paper should be in a technical paper style and format. Use the standard IEEE or ASME journal paper format. The paper should be in double column format and should be between 5 and 10 pages in length. Appendices (including Matlab code) of any length (handwritten or typed) could be appended to the main paper. In addition to the report title and your name, your report should include at least the following sections: Abstract, Introduction and Motivation, Problem Definition, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and Appendix. Other sections could be included as you see fit.


Paper grading will be based on the technical content (80 points) and on the technical writing effectiveness and proper data display (20 points). See Grading Rubric.

Submission Method:

Submit your project paper (5 to 10 pages main text plus appendices) using Canvas.