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BUS420 Advanced Business Report Writing and Communication Assignment 4


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Advanced Business Report Writing and Communication

Assignment 4 (due 5 April 2024)

Present the following visually:

1.   The cultures of Company A and Company B are very different, mainly because of their employee composition. Half of Company A’s employees are Americans, another half splits equally between Asians and Europeans. Company B has an equal mix of Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, and Koreans. Company A has a total of 10,000 employees, and Company B 6,400 employees.

2.   You are finalizing your 3-year financial planning, and project that at the end of 2023, your total asset will stand at HKD65,000,consisting of 37,500 in cash, 20,000 in stocks, and the rest in other assets. At the end of 2024, your cash is expected to reach HKD50,000, stocks HKD35,000, and other assets HKD13,600. In 2025, your total cash, stocks and other assets are expected to increase by HKD25,000, HKD7,500 and HKD21,000,respectively.

3.   The recruitment process starts with advertising in social media, followed by screening the applications, shortlisting applicants, conducting interviews, making offers, and finally managing the onboarding. Based on experience, for every 1,000 applicants, 12 candidates will be shortlisted, out of which 9 will attend interviews. Further, for every 2 offers made, there will be one acceptance.


Prepare a PowerPoint slide for each of the three scenarios above.