关键词 > PHL349



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Each of the problems below is worth 12.5 points.

1. Prove the statement that every countably infinite partially ordered set <A, R> is isomorphic to one of its proper subsets <B, R↾B> or provide a counterexample to it.

2. Prove the statement that any partial ordering can be extended to a linear ordering [i.e. that if <A, R> is an arbitrary poset then there exists S A2 such that R S and <A, S> is a linear ordering] or provide a counterexample to it.

3. Prove the well-ordering theorem from Zorn’s lemma without appealing to other forms of the axiom of choice [Hint: see exercises 21 and 22 in Chapter 7 of Enderton’s book].

5. Let  and let Pt(A) be the set of all partitions of A [see p. 57 in Enderton’s book]. Define a relation ≼ on Pt(A) by

S1 ≼ S2 if and only if for every C in S1 there exists D in S2 such that C D.

a) Show that ≼ is an order relation.

b) Show that if U Pt(A) then U has both an infimum and a supremum [see p. 171 in Enderton’s book for definitions of these notions].

6. Define a permutation of K to be any one-to-one function from K onto K. If K = cardK, then K! is card{f | f is a permutation of K}. Show that if K is infinite, then

7. Let ℵ1 be the smallest uncountable ordinal [see p. 199 in Enderton’s book]. Show that

without using the axiom of choice.

8. a) Show that if β < λ, λ a limit ordinal, then  b) Show that if β < λ, λ a limit ordinal, then  c) Show that if  a limit ordinal, then  d) Show that  cannot be written as where