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ACCTG 221: Cost & Management Accounting Assignment 1


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ACCTG 221: Cost & Management Accounting

Assignment 1

Submission Instructions

This assignment must be submitted as follows:

(1) This assignment is due by April 5, 4:00 pm:

1. Complete a spreadsheet for this Assignment. Name the spreadsheet using your ID plus surname e.g. 123456789_Rouse.

2. Submit your spreadsheet to Canvas before 4 pm April 5.

3. Use your spreadsheet to input your answers into the template using the Canvas link to Inspera before 4 pm April 5.  Note that the Inspera link will be available eight days prior to the due date and time i.e., March 28, 4:00 pm.

4. Please note that you need to submit both your spreadsheet and complete the online template on Inspera before the due date.

(2) By submitting this assignment, you confirm your submission represents your individual effort and does not contain plagiarised material. Please ensure you are familiar with the rules on plagiarism and those stated in the UoA Guidelines: Conduct of Coursework at http://www.auckland.ac.nz/uoa/home/about/teaching-learning/honesty/tl-uni-regs-statutes-guidelines.

(3) It is your responsibility to ensure that no one copies your answers (see separate information on plagiarism and/or cheating).

These questions have been designed to be completed using Excel with the objective of improving your spreadsheet skills. We will be considering your workings in your spreadsheet when reviewing your marks.

(Note: you should be able to copy the tables in the Assignment and paste directly into Excel).

Question 1

Yacht Parts Ltd sells three products, details of which are set out below.





Tide tables








Selling price per unit












Variable cost per unit






Fixed costs






Tax rate






Sales mix in volume






Sales mix in Sales $










Tide tables


1.     What is the contribution per unit per product?





2.     What is the weighted average contribution per unit rounded to the nearest cent?





-2 i) using sales mix in volume





-2 ii) using sales mix in Sales $










3.     What is the overall breakeven in units using sales mix in volume





4.     What is the breakeven in units for shackles using sales mix in volume





5.     What is the overall breakeven in units using sales mix in Sales $





6.     What is the breakeven in units for shackles using sales mix in Sales $










7.     What is the total contribution per product and overall?





8.     What is the contribution % per product and overall?





9.     What is the overall breakeven in total sales dollars?





10.  What is the breakeven in Sales for shackles using sales mix in Sales $










11.  If the required profit after tax is $300,000 what will be the required Sales using sales mix in Sales $:





-11 i) Required profit before tax





-11 ii) Required Sales





12.  What will be the required Sales for Shackles to contribute to this profit?





(Question 1 Total Marks – 29 marks)

Question 2

For the last income year (year ended 30 June 2023), Farm Products Ltd budgeted overhead costs were determined using the actual costs from the previous year (year ended 30 June 2022).  In the year ended 30 June 2022, the total machine hours were 121,250 and the overhead cost breakdown of the costs incurred in the year ended 30 June 2022 is shown below:

Part (A): Classify each of the above into fixed and variable expenses and calculate the variable cost per machine hour and total fixed costs

Write the annual cost function using the above account analysis.


Fixed costs

Variable costs per MH

Annual cost function =



(Part A total marks - 20 marks)

In addition, the management accountant has also collected monthly data for the overhead costs for the year ended 30 June 2022.  He has also compiled information on machine hours, direct labour hours and the volume of engine parts made in that year, which he thinks could be possible cost drivers.

Part (B): Determine the annual cost function using the monthly data above using regression analysis.

 In your spreadsheet complete the tables below.