关键词 > ACCT703



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Programme of Study:

Bachelor of Business (BBus)

Paper Name:



Assessment 1: Individual Written assignment

Submission Due Date:

By 1.00 pm NZDT Friday 5 April 2024


30 percent of the total marks

Paper Code & Stream, e.g., ACCT703/01:


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· You must upload your completed assignment to the Canvas before 1.00 pm NZDT on Friday 5 April 2024 (click the 'Assessments' tab, then click 'Assessment 1: Individual Written Assessment').

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· Penalties will apply for the late submission. 5 marks will be deducted for each 2-hour delay. Assignments that are more than 6 hours late will not be marked and will receive a zero grade.

Assignment Summary

Question 1: The Strategic Focus of Management Accounting

38 marks

Question 2: Managing Costs: ABM

22 marks

Question 3: Managing Costs: Target Costs and Lifecycle costs

20 marks

Question 4: Managing Suppliers

20 marks



Question 1. Strategic Management Accounting and Responsibility Centres                                     [38 marks]


(a) Outline FOUR areas of concern relating to the financial health of TechWorld Retailers. Explain the reasons behind your choices for each.

(Suggested word limit: 360;12 marks) 

(b) Discuss the types of information that could be helpful for TechWorld’s manager to address the areas of concern you have identified in (a) above, and to design an effective management accounting system that enables to run the business more effectively.

(Suggested word limit: 360;12 marks)

(c) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of adopting the CFO’s restructuring suggestions.

(Suggested word limit: 450;14 marks)

Question 2: Managing Costs: Activity-Based Management [22 marks]


(a) Identify three possible value-added and three non-value-added business activities for the company. Explain the reasons behind your choices for each.

(Suggested word limit: 180; 6 marks) 

(b) Determine the cost drivers of the non-value-added activities you identified in part (a).

(Suggested word limit: 100; 3 marks)

(c) Using your knowledge of Activity-based Management (ABM), suggest ways that the manager could eliminate the costs associated with the non-value-added activities you identified in part (b).

(Suggested word limit: 210; 7 marks)

(d) Discuss whether your recommendations would be different if you used the concept of Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR). Explain your reasons.

(Suggested word limit: 180; 6 marks)

Question 3: Managing Costs: Target Cost and Life-cycle Cost [20 marks]


(a) Calculate the target cost per unit for EcoGlow based on the targeted 30% profit margin on the retail price of $80. Determine if there is a cost gap (i.e., cost reduction objective) based on the initial cost estimates. Show your workings.

(8 marks)

(b) Prepare a comprehensive life cycle budget for EcoGlow that covers each year from year 0 to year 5 using target selling price and target cost.

(7 marks)

(c) Considering the target costing and life cycle cost forecast, provide a recommendation on whether GreenTech should proceed with the development of EcoGlow. Include justification for your recommendation based on your calculation in (a) and (b).

(Suggested word limit: 180; 5 marks)

Question 4: Managing suppliers [20 marks]


(a) Calculate the supplier performance index for each supplier and show workings.

(8 marks)

(b) Based on your calculations above, analyse the relative performance of VoltStream Inc. and CircuitHub Ltd. Discuss any recommended actions for the company, and please explain your reasoning.

(Suggested word limit: 180; 5 marks)

(c) Assuming Delta Electronics is considering a shift towards a more agile supply chain model, from an EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) model to a JIT (Just-In-Time) system, analyse how this transition would affect the supplier-related costs. Discuss which supplier would be more suitable for this transition and explain why.

(Suggested word limit: 240; 7 marks)