关键词 > PM617

PM617 Practical Training for Science and Engineering Research


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Assessment Task Information

Key details:

 Assessment title:

 Written assignment (individual): Reflective Portfolio

 Module Name:

 Practical Training for Science and Engineering Research

 Module Code:


 Assessment will be set on:

 Cycle 2, Theme 6 (Developmental Activities & Reflective Writing)

 Feedback opportunities:

 Written feedback on Turnitin

 Assessment is due on:

 End of Cycle 4

 Assessment weighting:


Assessment Instructions

What do you need to do for this assessment?


You must produce a portfolio of written reflection and evidence relating to your practical skills in STEM research. This will also be presented digitally as an e-portfolio. Your portfolio will evidence that you have developed skills that will equip you to be an effective scholar in your chosen discipline and demonstrate your reflective abilities. Your portfolio should reflect upon at least one skill-set from all four domains of the Researcher Development Framework (RDF).


For this assessment you should make use of the following formative activities that you have already completed.  These activities have been designed to support this summative assessment:

· Cycle 3 developmental activities and workshops

· Cycle 4 in-class group and individual activities (portfolio seminar worksheets)

Please note:

This is an individual assessment so you should not work with any other student.

Your tutor will also ask for a draft copy of your work and provide written feedback.

Before you submit this assessment, you will have an opportunity to receive feedback from your peers (other students in the class).  Your tutor will arrange a time for you to share and discuss your progress with your classmates.  You do not have to act on their feedback, but you may find it useful to enhance your final submission.


Your portfolio should include the following components:

A reflective summary

This will include reflection upon your chosen workshops, activities and task completion over the course of the academic year. You may also wish to show your PDP and Skills Audit completed as part of your first PM617 assessment. Your portfolio should include a written reflection on how successful you have been in meeting your goals, written at the end of the course. The reflection will form the word count for this section.

Evidence of Independent Skills Development

This section will include evidence that you have undertaken at least four developmental activities which enabled you to complete components from your PDP goals/task achievement. Evidence can be in any media format that your e-portfolio platform (e.g., Mahara) supports. You must write an account of how the evidence meets your developmental activities goals. Examples can include, program coding, simulation results, literature reviews, etc.

Assessment layout:

A pro forma will be available for students to complete and organise their reflective portfolios. Reflective portfolios should also contain e-portfolio (e.g. Mahara) URL links to your relevant digital e-portfolio pages. Portfolio pages should have clear headings, a logical layout, and be aimed at a scholarly audience.

Sufficient evidence should be supplied in both the template and your e-portfolio. The design and formatting of your e-portfolio is your choice and you should use multi-media content to enhance the portfolio. An academic writing style should be used throughout your portfolio.

Theory and/or task resources required for the assessment:

You must complete the portfolio template provided (available on VLE) and produce an e-portfolio (using Mahara or one of the suggested alternatives). To complete your portfolio, you should consult the developmental activities/workshop resources (found on VLE), conduct any relevant secondary research and utilise the listed resources within the module VLE and information documents.

Your portfolio must include a reflection upon the developmental activities you have completed (assessing your skill-set and workshop/activity-specific knowledge). Your report should also showcase evidence of completed workshop tasks and activities, displayed within the appropriate e-portfolio style (studies in Themes 5-10).

Referencing style:

You must identify, use, and reference sources wherever used in your portfolio All sources must be in English. Where used, all sources must be cited and referenced using Harvard style referencing. Final references should be situated at the end of the written PDP. There is no minimum or maximum number of sources for this assignment.

Expected word count:

Reflective Portfolio: For the pro forma, you are expected to write around 2000 words (±20%), following the specific structure outlined above.  Your final online e-portfolio will contain a composition of evidence of completed tasks throughout the year (e.g., PDP, workshop tasks, etc.), this evidence does not contribute to your word count.

Evidence: Any evidence you provide is not included in your pro forma word count.

The word count does not include the final reference list, headings, tables, graphs and template questions for the different steps.

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

· Research the practical skills required for academic and professional success as researchers in their chosen field of study.

· Identify their personal training requirements through the completion of a skills audit.

· Document and critically reflect upon participation in a range of relevant training activities.

Submission Requirements:

You must include the following paragraph on your title page:

I confirm that this assignment is my own work.

Where I have referred to academic sources, I have provided in-text citations and included the sources in the final reference list.

Academic Integrity & Misconduct Information:

Please use this link to access more information on academic integrity and misconduct:


Submission Guidelines:

Submit an electronic copy of your Reflective Portfolio pro forma through Turnitin on the PM617 Practical Training for Science & Engineering Research VLE page by the date provided.

NB – If you experience problems submitting your assessment to Turnitin:

1. Contact College Services using this form before the deadline: https://kicpathways.formstack.com/forms/contact_gic

2. Under ‘What is your enquiry about?’, choose ‘assignment hand in’

3. In the ‘How can we help you?’ box, write what the assignment is (e.g. Formative 2 Reflective Portfolio), the module (e.g. PM617), group (e.g. Group X), tutor’s name and date it was due in

4. Attach your assignment and screenshot(s) of the error message

Alternative submissions will not be accepted after the deadline has passed.  Prior to the deadline you may submit to Turnitin as many times as you wish.

Additional Submission Guidelines:

· Use a standard academic font, size 11-12 and use 1.5 spacing between lines.

· Each page of your assignment should have a header with your student ID number, module code (e.g. PM617) and the name of your class tutor.  Do not write your name.

· All pages should be numbered.

· Include a title page consisting of the following information:

o Module Code (e.g. PM617)

o Class/Group: (e.g. Group X)

o Module Title (e.g. Practical Training for Science & Engineering Research)

o Assessment Title (e.g. Reflective Portfolio)

o Assignment Title: (e.g. Title of your assessment)

o Tutor Name: (Name of tutor)

o Student GUID Number: (GUID number only. NOT your name)

o Date of Submission: (Date)

o Word count

o Declaration to confirm this is your own work

Late Submission: Late submissions MUST BE submitted to the Late Submission Turnitin folder withing the first three days after the original deadline.

Please ensure you submit in the correct format. DO NOT email your class teacher; they are unable to accept late submissions.

NB – If you experience problems submitting your assessment to Turnitin:

Contact College Services using this form before the deadline:

Under ‘What is your enquiry about?’, choose ‘assignment hand in’

In the ‘How can we help you?’ box, write what the assignment is (e.g. Formative 1 Personal Development Plan), the module (e.g. PM617), group (e.g. Group X), tutor’s name and date it was due in

Attach your assignment and screenshot(s) of the error message

Alternative submissions will not be accepted after the deadline has passed. Prior to the deadline, you can re-draft and resubmit your assessment as many times as you want. However, after 3 submissions, Turnitin will only be able to display a new similarity report once every 24 hours. Please note the last assignment to be submitted, will be marked.

Penalties for Work Submitted late:

 Number of Working Days Late

 Penalty Awarded


 85% of original mark


 80% of original mark


 75% of original mark

 More than 3

 Zero mark awarded

 Addition submission information – check you have done the following:


 Consistent font, spacing, page numbers, formatting and subheadings


 Correct format and location throughout the report


 Harvard referencing system used correctly in the reference list


 Summarising the results of research


 Paraphrasing the contents of research findings

 Spell check

 Spell check the report


 Proof-reading completed


 Grammarly has been used to check the report

How will this assessment be marked?

The reflective portfolio will be marked with equal weighting on each of the five sections outlined below.

Each section will be given a grade based on the evidence provided that you have met the section marking criteria:

Marking Key:

· 5: Excellent evidence – as comprehensive as could be expected

· 4: Very good evidence – a thorough attempt to represent this aspect with only a few minor errors, omissions and/or missed opportunities

· 3: Sufficient evidence – a good attempt to represent this aspect with all main aspects covered but noticeable errors, omissions and/or missed opportunities

· 2: Limited / inconsistent evidence – this aspect is represented reasonably well at times but numerous errors, omissions and/or missed opportunities found throughout

· 1: Insufficient evidence – the attempt to represent this aspect is inappropriate or too weak to convey anything very meaningful and/or academic.

· 0: No attempt to represent this aspect.

The overall mark will be a percentage (0-100%) based on the attributes described in adherence with the SMART method approach, ensuring goals are:

· Level of depth and detail (20%): Detailed account of task progression, development and completion over time.

· Task Complexity (20%): Objectives presented in the portfolio satisfy a necessary level of difficulty/complexity for the module.

· Justification and Reflection (20%): Portfolio contains objectives and achievements with a clear relevancy to science and engineering research. Reflection on the learning process shows critical awareness of abilities and skills

· Evidence (20%): Evidence accurately reflects the task goal and the development of this task.

· Presentation (20%): The portfolio is attractively presented and easy to navigate, with well-considered use of multiple media formats

The overall mark will be a percentage (0-100%).

How will you get feedback?

Your tutor will mark the assessment and provide you with written feedback available within Turnitin and a grade for this task (usually available two weeks after submission).  You can use this feedback to guide your further learning on future modules.