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ADM 1370 – Applications of Information Technology for Business


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ADM 1370 – Applications of Information Technology for Business

Microsoft Access Tutorials

Tutorial #1 Checklist


· User Interface

· Importing External Data

· Metadata (Field Properties)

Tutorial Steps:

1. Creating a new database in MS Access.

2. Importing data from Excel into MS Access Tables.

3. Working with MS Access Tables in the Design view and the Datasheet view.

4. Specifying Field Properties in the Design View.

5. Specifying Validation Rules, Input Masks and Captions for Different Fields.

6. Save your database file (as ADM1370_Employees.accdb) and have it ready for the next tutorial.

Tutorial Checklist:


How was This Requirement Met (What Did You Do)?

Create Database Tables for Employees, Locations, and Titles.





Designate Proper Primary Keys for Each Table





Change At Least Two Field Properties in Each Table (e.g. Format, Caption, Validation, Input Mask etc.)


Save Your Database File as ADM1370_Employees.accdb





Important Notes:

· You should save your database file and continue working in this database in your next tutorials.


· Normalization

· Manual Data Entry

· Table Relationships

Tutorial Steps:

1. Open your source data spreadsheet and database files.

2. Normalize source data to conform with database format requirements.

3. Copy and type data from Excel into MS Access Tables using the Datasheet view.

4. Working with MS Access Tables in the Design view and the Datasheet view.

5. Specifying Field Properties in the Design View.

6. Specifying Validation Rules, Input Masks and Captions for Different Fields.

7. Save your database file (as ADM1370_Employees.accdb) and have it ready for the next tutorial.

Tutorial Checklist:


How was This Requirement Met (What Did You Do)?

Create and normalize the Projects table by splitting it into Projects and Assignments.





Populate the Projects and Assignments tables by either copy-paste or typing.





Create relationships between the tables (Employees, Locations, Titles, Projects, Assignments)


Save Your Database File as ADM1370_Employees.accdb





Important Notes:

· You should save your database file and continue working in this database in your next tutorials.


· Queries (Single-Table, Multi-Table, Parameters)

Tutorial Steps:

1. Open your database file.

2. Importing Data from Excel into MS Access Tables.

3. Working with MS Access Queries in the Design View & the Datasheet View.

4. Specifying Query Properties in the Design View.

5. Save Your Database File (as ADM1370_Employees.accdb) and have it ready for the next tutorial.

Tutorial Checklist:


How was This Requirement Met (What Did You Do)?

Create at least one criteria-based query that uses the Employee table.





Create at least one criteria-based query that uses both the Employee table and another table of your choice.





Create at least one parameter-based query, requiring the end user to a value, that uses both the Employee table and another table of your choice.


Important Notes:

· You should save your database file and continue working in this database in your next tutorials.


· Data Forms (Simple Form, Split Form, Hierarchical Form)

· Navigation Forms

· Reports

Tutorial Steps:

1. Creating a new database in MS Access.

2. Importing data from Excel into MS Access Tables.

3. Working with MS Access Tables in the Design view and the Datasheet view.

4. Specifying Field Properties in the Design View.

5. Specifying Validation Rules, Input Masks and Captions for Different Fields.

6. Save your database file (as ADM1370_Employees.accdb) and have it ready for the next tutorial.

Tutorial Checklist:


How was This Requirement Met (What Did You Do)?

Create a simple form for data entry in the Employees table.



Create a split form for data entry in the Employees table.



Create a hierarchical form that can switch between locations and shows the employees at each location.


Create a report that lists all locations, their Office Phone numbers, and the employees at each location (Last Name, First Name, ID)


Create a navigation form that allows the end user to navigate between the Employees form, the Locations & Employees form, and the Locations & Employees report.