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The Faith and Practice of Key Christian Figures


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Research Project:

The Faith and Practice of Key Christian Figures

Objectives: Students will…

· Make connections between different parts of our class

· Use basic research skills to deepen your knowledge of the Christian tradition

· Explain key elements of the Christian story and how they are rooted in the life of Jesus and the faith of the early church

· Explain ways that Christians have addressed perennial human concerns in diverse context


Every Christian must answer the questions, “Who is Jesus?” and “What does it mean to follow him?” As we have seen, answers to these questions often differ between historical periods, in part because following Jesus requires different practices in different contexts. Your job is to choose a specific Christian figure from the attached list (see next page) and craft a 3- to 4-page paper* (double spaced) that explains two things:

1) What are your figure’s central/distinctive views about who Jesus and what it means to follow him? (Pay attention both to what your person taught and what he or she did that demonstrates how he or she attempted to follow Jesus.)

2) How do your figure’s teachings and practices connect to [a] the life & teachings of Jesus and [b] Christian traditions of thought and practice that predate your person/movement?

To answer the first question, you will need to do some research. Using only approved sources (see research notes on next page), learn as much as you need to answer the questions above. While you may choose to include additional details, every paper must include the following:

· A brief historical introduction to your figure and his/her context, focused on features necessary to understand your figure’s teachings and practices.

· An effective summary of 3 teachings and/or practices of your figure that show their core understanding of who Jesus is and what it means to follow him. (Does following Jesus require believing specific things? Maintaining specific practices? Treating one’s neighbors a certain way?)

· A detailed analysis of how each of these teachings/practices connects to the life and teachings of Jesus and earlier Christian traditions of thought and practice. For example, do they draw on certain teachings of Jesus? On doctrines or practices developed by an earlier Christian group? And how does your person/movement further develop, adapt, or modify these things to address features of their own historical context? In other words, you must note what is the same, what is different, and how so. For this portion of the assignment, draw connections ONLY to material from our lectures and course readings, and focus on the connections that are most direct and/or significant. As with the Jesus on screen assignment, be sure to analyze in detail. (General observations like “also believes Jesus is God” or “also practices the Eucharist” will not suffice.)

· A bibliography in Chicago, MLA, or APA style. (Not part of your total page count.)

Topic List

The “Desert Mothers”

Benedict of Nursia

Catherine of Siena

Julian of Norwich

John Calvin

Menno Simons

Walter Rauschenbusch

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Dorothy Day

Billy Graham

Óscar Romero

Research Guidelines

For this project, you must ONLY use scholarly sources on your topic. Websites are only acceptable if you found them through the Pepperdine library’s search function.

I would advise you to begin by reading a few reference works (e.g., encyclopedia entries or annotated bibliographies) or overview chapters. For example, you might find an entry on your figure in the Encyclopedia of Religion, Encyclopedia of Christianity, New Catholic Encyclopedia or even Encyclopedia Brittanica. You might also find your figure in a textbook on the history of Christianity, such as Elizabeth Muir’s Women’s History of the Christian Church or Justo González’s The Story of Christianity. These kinds of sources will give you the “big picture,” and they will likely cite further sources you can read.

From there, use Payson library’s search function to find additional sources. Your research should draw upon both secondary sources (texts on your figure written by someone else… books are best) and at least some primary sources (texts written by your figure). You cannot read everything your figure wrote, but you should read enough to see their views firsthand. In total, you must have no fewer than 5 legitimate sources, not including encyclopedia entries.

For help using the library’s research resources, contact Kristin Peace, the research and instruction librarian in religion.

What to Turn In & When

By Weds, March 13th at noon, email me a ranked list of your top three topic choices.

As a checkpoint, upload an annotated bibliography to courses by 11:55pm the night before your March 21st or 22nd class (depending on which section you are in). This should include at least 3 sources you will use, if not all your sources, each with a few short bullet points on what you have learned from them and/or how they will contribute to your project. You may use Chicago, MLA, or APA style. On time completion of this step will be worth 5 points toward your total project grade.

Upload your project to Courses by 11:55pm the night before the discussion day AND bring a printed copy to discuss in class. (Late uploads are subject to a 10% penalty, plus an additional 10% for every 24 hours that pass after the deadline.)

Alternative Assignment Formats

Students who do not feel that they can effectively demonstrate their knowledge with a paper may consult with the professor to arrange another form for the assignment. In this case, you might demonstrate what you know in different ways, but the expectations for content and analysis will remain the same.

If you feel you need another form for the assignment, set up a time to talk with me prior to March 21st.