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ECON 6600: Econometrics Homework 9 Spring 2023


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Spring 2023

Department of Economics

ECON 6600: Econometrics

Homework 9

(Due in Brightspace: 11:59PM, March 23)

This homework  exposes  each  student  to  empirical  research.  To  receive  full  credit,  read  the instructions very carefully.

.    Choose an empirical paper published in one of the following journals:

American  Economic  Review,  Econometrica,  Journal  of  Political  EconomyQuarterly  Journal  of  Economics,  Review  of  Economic  Studies,  Review  of Economics and Statistics.

These journals have online data and code archives so you can replicate empirical estimates of the papers published there. (Some papers use confidential data and the authors cannot circulate such data. In that case, you cannot replicate their results. If this occurs, then please choose another paper whose results you can replicate.)

.    Confirm that the paper of your choice runs the OLS (Stata’s regress command) for its

main estimation result(s) under the i.i.d. setting, i.e., the main results are generated by:

regress with no standard error option;

regress, robust;

regress, vce(hc2);

regress, vce(hc3); or

regress, cluster().

.    Some papers drop, truncate, or winsorize outliers (units with large values of Y). Confirm that the paper of your choice does not drop, truncate, or winsorize outliers.

.    Replicate the main empirical result(s) of the paper you chose by using the data and code files found in the journal’s online archive. (You do not have to replicate all results – only the main regression estimates for the key results of the paper will suffice.)

.    You  may  collaborate  with  your  classmates,  but  choose  a  different paper from your collaborators, i.e., each student should work on a unique paper. (Of course, there is a chance that two students in the class happen to choose the identical paper, but the likelihood of this event is very small given the large number of empirical economics papers published in the list of the above journals.)

.    Include the following files in a single zip file: the data file(s), the code file(s) of the original  paper, a pdf copy of the original paper, your own code file (named MYCODE.do) along  with a summary (named SUMMARY.pdf or .docx) reporting what you have done, which  table(s) of the paper you replicated, and a complete bibliography of the paper you replicated. Submit the zip file as homework to Brightspace.