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Music 008.1 Rudiments of Music Spring 2024


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Music 008.1 Rudiments of Music Spring 2024


Music 008 is a course designed to familiarize students with the fundamental elements of music, specifcally Western music (which includes most popular music today). Students will learn to recognize the notes of the piano keyboard and to read music notation in treble and bass clefs, including pitch and rhythmic notation. Students will learn to construct the major and minor scales, and to recognize them aurally. Tey will also learn the key signatures associated with these scales.

Students will learn to measure the distance between two pitches, which we refer to as an interval.

Tey will learn to build the basic harmonies of music, which are three-note chords known as triads. Tey will also learn to recognize major and minor triads aurally. Students will learn the most common cadences — that is, the ways in which musical phrases end. And they will learn to recognize four-note chords, known as seventh chords.


GenEd Learning Objectives

Effective Communication

Key Literacies

Critical & Analytical Tinking

Course Objectives

Knowledge of the rudiments of tonal music

[keyboard layout, note name recognition, music notation, scales, key signatures, rhythm and meter, intervals, triads, inversions, seventh chords, cadences]

Aural recognition of high/low pitch comparisons,

rhythms, scales, intervals, triads

A greater appreciation for music and musicianship

Required Materials

Online Access to Connect for Education [C4E] OnMusic Fundamentals, Fourth Edition [Direct purchase link available on Canvas, also available at the PSU Bookstore]

Course Outline [Working*]

Unit One

[Week 1]   Introduction / A Very Brief Overview of Western Music

[Week 2]   The Keyboard

[Week 3]   The Staff

[Week 4]   Rhythm and Meter

[Week 5]   Major Scales

[Week 6]   Key Signatures / Circle of Fifths

Exam 1


Unit Two

[Week 7]   Meter Types

[Week 8]   Intervals

[Week 9]   Minor Scales & Key Signatures

[Week 10]   Relative vs. Parallel Keys / More Minor Scales

[Week 11]   Triads / Triad Qualities / White-Key Triads

[Week 12]   Triad Spacing and Doubling / Seventh Chords

[Week 13]   Cadences / Diatonic Triads

[Week 14]   Harmony and Form

Exam 2


[Week 15]   Final Project

Final Project

[Finals]   Due by 11:59pm on Monday [29 April 2024]


Reflections   15%

Quizzes [online]   35%

Exam 1 [online]   20%

Exam 2 [online]   20%

Final Project   10%



A   93–100%

A-   90–92%

B+   87–89%

B   83–87%

B-   80–82%

C+   77–79%

C   70–76%

D   60–69%

F   0–59%

*Te online course was just updated, so this is the frst semester the fourth edition will be in use. Some topics may appear in a slightly diferent order. Your patience is greatly appreciated throughout the semester with the topics/schedule.

Course Policies

Class attendance/participation

While the course curriculum is presented in its entirety online, the opportunity to ask questions in class will greatly aid your understanding of the material, especially if you have little to no prior musical background. Since you may already be familiar with some topics, your participation grade will consist of a handful of video refections (on Canvas), which will total 15% of your course grade.

Afer the frst week, generally speaking, the weekly class format will be:

• Mondays

Topics for the week (fnish on Wednesday if necessary)


Reserved for questions on the week’s topics (or general questions about music)

• Fridays

Quiz/Exam/Refection days — these are asynchronous days to be used for taking the quizzes, exams, and/or recording the video refections

I will keep a weekly schedule on Canvas regularly updated, so please check there frst if you’re not sure what’s happening on any given day.

Practice Worksheets

Tese are practice for the quiz on the same topic(s). Tey are not required, and do not count toward your course grade.


Over the course of the semester, there are 20 quizzes to be taken online. In total, the quizzes represent 30% of your course grade. Tese provide your best preparation for the two Exams.


Exam 1 tests your knowledge of the material presented in Unit One. Most of the exam questions will be drawn directly from the Unit One quizzes.

Exam 2 tests your knowledge of the material presented in Unit Two. Most of the exam questions will be drawn directly from the Unit Two quizzes.

Final Project

Te Final Project will be a refection on a piece of music of the student’s choice, applying the skills and knowledge learned throughout the semester. Instructions will be available later in the semester.

Makeup Policy

Due to the extended testing windows for all the assessments/assignments, deadline extensions will only be granted under extraordinary circumstances, and solely at the instructor’s discretion.