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EAP033 Writing Coursework Task Sheet


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Intermediate English Communication & Academic Skills (EAP033) 2023-2024, Year 1, Semester 2

EAP033 Writing Coursework Task Sheet (Summative)

Task: Write a discursive essay based on the essay prompt below.

Some people argue that influencer marketing has many benefits, while others believe it is harmful. Discuss.

Due Dates:

.    First Draft: 8pm Sunday, Week 5, 31st  March 2024

.    Final Draft: 8pm Sunday, Week 9, 28th April 2024

Core Requirements

You must fulfil each core requirement listed below. Failure to meet any of the core requirements

means the maximum grade you can get for Task 1 in the marking descriptor will be 2.5%.

•    Word count: 1000 words (+/- 10%, not including the title and reference list).

•    You must write about the topic you have been given.

•    You must discuss both sides of this topic.

•    You must use at least 3 sources from the Reading List.

•    You must NOT use ideas from other source material.

Learning Outcomes


of Final Mark

B. Employ a range of level-appropriate reading strategies in order to extract

meaning from graded, non-academic, and academic reading materials.

D. Produce written responses to non-academic and academic topics with

level-appropriate coherence, complexity, and accuracy.

E. Demonstrate awareness and understanding of level-appropriate linguistic



Formatting Requirements

All written assignments must use these formatting standards:

.    Use MS Word DOC or DOCX format

.    Filename: Y1S2_WCW_Your full name

.    Line space: 1.5

.    Word font: Tahoma

.     Font size: 11 or 12 points

.    Include page numbers

Note: It is your responsibility to download your submitted file and check if the submission is a

readable file. You may receive 0% for this assessment if there are technical issues opening

your submission created using WPS or other unacceptable formats.

Further Details

Additional Requirements

•    You will complete the essay writing individually.

•    You will be assigned to one dropbox on the EAP033 Learning Mall page.

•    You must submit your work to the designated dropbox.

Marking and Feedback

•    You will be given individual feedback on the first draft of this discursive essay. You are expected to use this when revising your final draft.

•    The final draft will be assessed based on the marking descriptor on the last page of this task sheet.

•    A module feedback report will be provided on LMO as general feedback for all students after the WCW grades are released.

Academic Integrity and Late Penalties

The information needed for creating in-text citations and references for all sources is provided

in the “ Reading List” section of this task sheet.

•    You should follow the XJTLU Harvard Referencing Guide to create in-text citations and the reference list.

•    You should paraphrase ideas and information you use from the sources.

Your assignment must be all your own work. Plagiarism and collusion will be penalised.

Penalties range from a 5% deduction to an award of 0% and will apply to instances of:

•    Plagiarism (using source material without citing/acknowledgement, or submitting previous work). Penalties depend on the amount of material plagiarised.

•    Collusion (working with others or copying directly from your peers when you are   required to work individually). Do not share your essay, USB, laptop, or University password with other students to avoid collusion.

Please refer to the ‘AY 2023-24 Y1 EAP WCW AI Policy’ and the ‘XJTLU Brief Guide to Harvard

Referencing System’ for more details on avoiding AI penalties on the module page here:


The University uses the online software Turnitin to check your assignments for possible

plagiarism and collusion. You will also be able to use this tool before you submit your

assignments to ensure that you have not accidentally copied sentences from any sources.


XJTLU policy of a 5% deduction per working day up to a total of 25%. Work submitted more than 5 working days late will receive a score of 0%. A paper will not be penalised below an overall mark of 40% for lateness unless it is submitted more than five working days late.



•    Proofread your work for errors before submitting it.

•    After submission, check to see that it has been uploaded properly and you have submitted the correct document to the dropbox.

Task and Organisation:

•    Be sure to support your main ideas with details, reasons, explanations, and/or examples.

•    Remember to use information from the recommended sources and include citations and references.

•    Include an introduction with a thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion following the discursive essay structure.

•    Have clear topic sentences for body paragraphs.

•    Organise your ideas clearly and logically using a variety of cohesive features (e.g. linking words, pronoun referencing).


•    Use a range of complex and compound sentences.

•    Use a range of academic vocabulary and reform frequently used words.

•    Follow the academic writing style guidelines.

Reading List

•     You must use and cite at least three of the eight sources below.

•     You should not use any other sources.

•     You can find all eight sources on LMO.

•     You can use the following information to help you create the in-text citations and references following theXJTLU Harvard Referencing Guide. However, do not copy and paste them into your essay directly because they are not references following the Harvard Referencing style.

Source 1: This is an online magazine article written by David Scott. The title is ‘The pros and cons

of influencer marketing: Is it right for business?’. It was published on August 15th  2020 in the magazine Insights Success, pages 58-61. The article is available at:


Source 2: This is an online newspaper article written by Donald Flesher. The title is

‘Understanding the negative implications of influencer marketing’  It was published on October 18th 2019 in Finance&Business Daily. The article is available at:


Source 3: This is an online magazine article written by Karen Nevins. The title is ‘The value of

influencer marketing for brands’ It was published on December 23rd  2022 in the magazine Financial Quarterly, pages 16-18. The article is available at:


Source 4: This is an online newspaper article written by Sneha Chugh. The title is ‘ How impactful

influencer marketing is on society  It was published on October 27th  2023 in Entrepreneurship Express. The article is available at:https://core.xjtlu.edu.cn/mod/folder/view.php?id=102710

Source 5: This is an online magazine article written by Anthony Garber. The title is ‘ Rising force of

influencers – Emergence and risks’  It was published on January 20th  2018 in the magazine of Business Weekly, pages 25-27. The article is available at:


Source 6: This is an online journal article written by Nathan Carston. The title is ‘The impact of

using social media influencers in marketing on society and brands ’. It was published on August 1st 2023 in volume 3, issue 4 of the journal The ManagementReview. The page numbers are 74-76. The article is available at:https://core.xjtlu.edu.cn/mod/folder/view.php?id=102710

Source 7: This is an e-journal article written by Laura Neeleman. The title is ‘Influencer

marketing: Impact on business and society  It was published on December 16th  2022 in volume 8, issue 3 of the journal The Review of Business Studies. The page numbers are 105-107. The article is available at:https://core.xjtlu.edu.cn/mod/folder/view.php?id=102710

Source 8: This is an online magazine article written by Richard Bradley. The title is ‘The dark side of influencer marketing’. It was published on September 8th  2021 in the magazine Fortune, pages  11-13. The article is available at:https://core.xjtlu.edu.cn/mod/folder/view.php?id=102710