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Project 1: Polished Flask App


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Project 1: Polished Flask App

In this assignment you will make a website using the technologies of this course. The purpose of the website is up to you (I will give some suggestions as examples but   you are encouraged to come up with your own) as long as it meets the requirements of the assignment.

The website should be a polished product (more so than the labs) and should be capable of serving an actual purpose (for instance, a website for purchasing products is fine, even though you would not actually be selling anything).


Your project(irements):must make use of all of the following


■   Use proper document structure, proper semantic use of HTML tags, both HTML and CSS validate.


■   Use correct project structure. You should follow the structure outlined by the book and the lecture somewhat closely.


■   Make use of a form somewhere in your website. There are likely

many different places where you could make use of it. Make sure to respond to POST requests with a redirect if the form validates (so that refreshing does not resend the form).


■   Make use of a SQLAlchemy database that has at least 2 tables with 3 columns OTHER than the primary key. One of the tables should also have a foreign key of the other table. You may use more than this, these are simply the minimum requirements.

■   You must also have a page that allows insertion into at least one of your tables.


Submit all your files in a compressed zip file named project1.zip. Include a README explaining your project. It should say what the purpose of the website is, how navigation works, important URLs, and the configuration of your database tables.

Example Ideas:

Here are some examples of websites to give you some ideas. Using any of these is acceptable, but you are also encouraged to come up with your own ideas. If you have any questions please feel free to discuss your idea with the professor or a TA.

E-Commerce Site

A website akin to Amazon or E-Bay. Has users and products tables. Each product has its own page, users have their profile page.

Gaming Website

A website with games that can be played. Has a users and high scores table.

A Community Organization Website

A website that has events in a community listed, as well as users profiles. Users can sign up for events.