关键词 > 32216

Behavioural and Experimental Economics


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Assignment Remit

Programme Title


Module Title

Behavioural and Experimental Economics

Module Code

07 32216

Assignment Title







Danae Arroyos Calvera & Amalia di Girolamo

Hand Out Date


Due Date & Time



Feedback Post Date

16th working day after submission

Assignment Format


Assignment Length

2000 words

Submission Format




The word limit is 2000, with an extra 10% allowance. This means that you should aim for 2000 words, but that if you have a few extra sentences (up to 200 additional words), that won’t be an issue. The word limit includes everything except the personal reflection and the reference list.

In addition to the title and the reference list, your essay should have four sections:

- Section 1. The game

Describe one of the following experimental games used to measure other-regarding behaviour that we covered in the module: the dictator game or the trust game.

- Section 2. Literature review

Choose 4 academic papers that use this game and write a literature review. You can find some references in the module slides and resource list, but can also conduct your own review to find other relevant papers.

- Section 3. Adaptation of the game

Explain how you could adapt the standard game in order to investigate a specific research question of your choice.  This research question could follow the generic form “what is the effect of factor X on outcome Y”, (e.g. X could be high stakes incentivisation and Y could be generosity). You can get as creative as you want!

Explain your experimental design in detail, justifying your choices. This should include (but is not limited to) the following elements:

- Required sample size

- Participant characteristics

- Outcome variables

- Within or between subjects design

- Type of experiment (Online? Lab? Other?)

- Incentives (if any)

For each of these, you will need to justify your decision.

- Section 4. Reflection [about 200 words]

Write around 200 words reflecting on your experience working in a group or individually to design an experiment. You should outline the positive points, the challenges, and what you would do differently next time (if anything).

Module Learning Outcomes:

LO 1. Be knowledgeable and critical about the behavioural and experimental literature of games that capture other-regarding preferences
LO 2. Apply experimental method knowledge to design an experiment

LO 3. Develop academic writing skills and original thinking

Grading Criteria:

See attached ‘marking rubric’ document.

Feedback to Students:

Both Summative and Formative feedback is given to encourage students to reflect on their learning that feed forward into following assessment tasks. The preparation for all assessment tasks will be supported by formative feedback within the tutorials/seminars. Written feedback is provided as appropriate.  Please be aware to use the browser and not the Canvas App as you may not be able to view all comments.


It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing practices. You are expected to use appropriate references and keep carefully detailed notes of all your information sources, including any material downloaded from the Internet. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are not vulnerable to any alleged breaches of the assessment regulations. More information is available at https://intranet.birmingh am.ac.uk/as/studentservices/conduct/misconduct/plagiarism/index.aspx.

Marking Criteria





1st Class Marks

Literature review is outstanding, with evidence of critical analysis. All sources are highly relevant and of high quality. Excellent understanding of the game and the papers reviewed is clearly demonstrated.

The assignment, and the experiment it reports, demonstrate a great deal of creativity and originality. The design addresses a novel question that has relevance for the real world or has the potential to contribute significantly to the academic debate, and this relevance and novelty is fully explained.

Experimental choices are very well justified. A comprehensive explanation is given for the experimental decisions made. No relevant information is omitted from the experimental design.

Very clearly written and concise throughout. Excellent grammar and sentence construction. Properly referenced throughout with a full and accurate reference list. Very well organised with a good structure and the argument flows.

2.1. Marks

Literature review is good. All sources are relevant and of high quality. Good understanding of the game and the papers reviewed is clearly demonstrated with only limited errors.

The assignment, and the experiment it reports, demonstrate some creativity and originality. The design addresses a fairly novel question that is relevant for the academic debate and this relevance and novelty is partially explained.

Experimental choices are mostly well justified with a clear explanation given for most of the experimental decisions made. Little to no relevant information is omitted from the experimental design.

Generally well written and referenced with some minor errors in grammar and/or sentence construction or a tendency to be verbose and/or vague at times. Generally well organised with a good structure and the argument largely flows. Mostly well referenced with some minor errors and a close to full and accurate reference list.

2.2. Marks

Literature review is competent. Sources are of mixed relevance, with a reliance on lower quality sources. Some understanding of the game and the papers reviewed is demonstrated but there are some errors.

The assignment, and the experiment it reports, demonstrate limited evidence of creativity and originality. The design addresses a question that has already been largely addressed in the literature. The relevance and novelty is not explained.

Experimental choices are sometimes justified. Explanations of experimental decisions are of mixed clarity. Some relevant information is omitted from the experimental design.

Poorly written, with weak sentence construction and grammatical errors. Writing lacks clarity, parts of the assignment are hard to follow. The assignment is poorly organised with some problems with structure. The line of argument is sometimes difficult to follow. Some missing references or errors, incomplete or inaccurate reference list

Third Class Marks

Literature is mostly descriptive with little to no analysis. Failure to consult a sufficient variety of sources; heavily reliant on low quality, poorly selected sources. Limited understanding of the game and the papers reviewed is demonstrated with frequent evidence of misunderstanding.

The assignment, and the experiment it reports, demonstrate very limited evidence of creativity and originality. The design addresses a question that has already been addressed fully in the literature. The relevance and novelty is not explained.

Experimental choices are rarely justified. Explanations of experimental decisions are of limited clarity and show evidence of misunderstanding. A great deal of relevant information is omitted from the experimental design.

Writing style is very weak with poor sentence construction and grammar. Writing is verbose or vague and hard to follow throughout. Serious problems with organisation and structure. The line of argument is mostly difficult to follow. Poor referencing throughout, some references missing and an incomplete and inaccurate reference list.


Literature review severely lacking. Failure to consult any relevant sources. Very serious misunderstanding of the game and the papers reviewed is demonstrated, or the game is not explained.

The assignment, and the experiment it reports, demonstrate no evidence of creativity or originality. The relevance and novelty is not explained.

Explanation of the experimental choices is severely lacking. Decisions and explanations show severely limited or no evidence of understanding. Almost all relevant information is omitted from the experimental design.

Very poorly written, with weak sentence construction, numerous grammatical errors and fails to make much sense. No structure or organisation and no line of argument presented. Minimal referencing, numerous referencing errors of inaccurate and incomplete or missing reference list.