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COMP1511 23T3 — Programming Fundamentals Assignment 1 - CS Pacman


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COMP1511 23T3 — Programming Fundamentals

Assignment 1 - CS Pacman


Welcome to CS Pacman! CS Pacman is an adaptation of the 1980 maze game. In this assignment you will be implementing 1511's simplified version of this game and trying to get your Pacman to collect all the dots! Please read most of the spec before starting the assignment. (although you can save reading stages 2, 3 and 4 for later).

Assignment Structure

This assignment will test your ability to create, use and manipulate 2D arrays and structs to solve problems. To do this, the map used in the game has been implemented as a 2D array of tiles. These tiles are each represented by a struct tile , which is outlined below:

struct tile


To store information about the tiles of the map.


enum entity entity

The type of entity that exists on this tile.

All entity types are found in the enum entity definition.

struct enemy enemy

Represents the enemy at this location (if one exists).

struct enemy


To store information about a particular enemy


enum direction move_direction

The direction the enemy is moving.

All directions are found in the enum direction definition.

int is_present

Represents whether the enemy is present

You will need to add more fields to this struct in later stages.

The provided enums are quite extensive. Definitions of each are provided below:

enum entity


Represent possible entities that can exist on a tile

Possible values:


Represents no entity. Some tiles will have no entity present, this allows us to represent that.


A wall that blocks the movement of Pacman and enemies


A collectable that gives Pacman points (Stage 2)


A collectable that gives points, helps collect DOT s and can destroy WALL s (Stage 2)


A collectable that gives points and helps collect DOT s (Stage 2)


A collectable that gives points and helps catch ghosts (Stage 3)


Allows Pacman to travel up to a higher floor (Stage 4)


Allows Pacman to travel down to a lower floor (Stage 4)

enum direction


Represent the direction of a ghost's movement

Possible values:





Program phases

There are two main phases to the overall game:

1. Create level phase. This is where you will be placing Pacman and adding features to the map. This is started in Stage 1 and you will add to this throughout the rest of the assignment.

2. Gameplay phase. This is where you will handle Pacman's movement throughout the level. This is started in Stage 2 and you will add to this throughout the rest of the assignment.

How To Get Started

There are a few steps to getting started with CS Pacman.

1. Create a new folder for your assignment work and move into it.

$ mkdir ass1

$ cd ass1

2. Download the starter code (cs_pacman.c) here or use this command on your CSE account to copy the file into your current directory:

Or, copy this code to your CSE account using the following command

$ 1511 fetch-activity cs_pacman

3. Run 1511 autotest cs_pacman to make sure you have correctly downloaded the file.

$ 1511 autotest cs_pacman


When running the autotest on the starter code (with no modifications), it is expected to see failed tests.

4. Read through Stage 1.

5. Spend a few minutes playing with the reference solution -- get a feel for how the assignment works.

$ 1511 cs_pacman

6. Think about your solution, draw some diagrams, write some pseudocode to help you get started.


You might also find it helpful to draw diagrams and write pseudocode between later stages, especially stage 3 and stage 4!

7. Start coding!

Reference Solution

To help you understand the proper behaviour of the game, we have provided a reference implementation. If you have any questions about the behaviour of your assignment, you can check and compare it to the reference implementation.

To run the reference implementation, use the following command:

$ 1511 cs_pacman

About the Starter Code

The provided starter code has done some setup for you. This is explained below.

Before the main function, the starter code has:

1. Imported the standard input/output library.

2. Defined some initial #define 's and enums.

3. Defined the struct(s) described above.

In the main function, the starter code:

1. Creates a 2D array of struct tile s called map .

2. Initialises this map with some default values.

3. Prompts you to write your own code!


To start with, feel free to write your code in the main function! You can also add in your own functions as you go - we would definitely recommend this :)

Your Tasks

This assignment consists of four stages. Each stage builds on the work of the previous stage, and each stage has a higher complexity than its predecessor. You should complete the stages in order.

A video explanation to help you get started with the assignment can here found here:

Stage 1

Stage 1.1 - Placing Pacman

Your first task for this assignment is to place our Pacman on the map! Currently, the starter code creates a 2D array of struct tiles, and initialises them with the initialise_map() function that we’ve provided.

Your program should scan in the coordinates (first row, then column) at which Pacman should be placed. The updated map should then be printed out, using the provided print_map() function.

Assumptions / Restrictions / Clarifications

You can assume that you will always be provided with two integers for the row and column for Pacman.

The row/column provided will always fall within the map.


+ Example 1.1.1: Place Pacman



You may like to autotest this section with the following command:

1511 autotest-stage 01_01 cs_pacman

Stage 1.2 - Adding Features

Now that we’ve placed Pacman, we also need to place some features on the map! At this stage, the only feature that your program should handle is placing walls — but you will need to extend this to other features in later stages, so have a think about how best to do that!

To add features, your program should read characters in a loop, followed by a variable number of inputs based on which feature is being added. The loop should terminate when the user enters the 'S' character (meaning “Start the game”).

As mentioned, the only feature for this stage is the placement of walls. To place a wall, the user will first type the character 'W' , followed by the wall’s start and end coordinates (first row, then column).


Create the level:

W [start_row] [start_col] [end_row] [end_col]


For this stage, you can assume that the walls will either be horizontal or vertical, and that the start values will be less than or equal to their end counterparts. In other words, every coordinate pair received will have either the row OR column equal, and go from left to right, or top to bottom.

In this stage, every wall entered will be valid — meaning that all walls will fall entirely within the map.

Once all of the walls have been placed, the map should be printed.


You might like to start by creating a loop that scans in one character repeatedly until an 'S' is entered.

Inside your loop, you might want to add a way to check if the character 'W' was entered (i.e. add WALL ), and then scan in the remaining integers for start_row , start_col , end_row and end_col .

This command loop is very similar to both:

count_char_type from the week 3 lab

cs_calculator from the week 4 lab.

Make sure that you understand these exercises if you’re struggling with this task!

Assumptions / Restrictions / Clarifications

You can assume that input for this stage will always end with S .

In this stage, all walls entered will be horizontal or vertical (for each coordinate pair, either the column will be the same, or the row will be the same).

In this stage, you will not be given walls that fall outside the map.

You can assume that start_row will always be less than or equal to end_row .

You can assume that start_col will always be less than or equal to end_col .

A wall could be a single block ( start_row equals end_row and start_col equals end_col )


+ Example 1.2.1: Adding a wall

+ Example 1.2.2: Adding multiple walls


1511 autotest-stage 01_02 cs_pacman

Stage 1.3 - Validating Walls

In this stage, the walls given may not be horizontal or vertical, and thus unable to be placed. If this occurs, the error message "Given wall is not horizontal or vertical!" should be printed, and the program should continue reading input.

We also need to handle the case where some or all of the wall falls outside the map. If part or all of a wall lies out of the map, then that part should be ignored. The part of the wall that lies within the map should still be placed.


It might be useful to create a function which checks if a given coordinate pair falls on the map!

Assumptions / Restrictions / Clarifications

You can still assume that you receive a valid number of inputs.

You can still assume that start_row will always be less than or equal to end_row .

You can still assume that start_col will always be less than or equal to end_col .

If a wall is not horizontal/vertical AND falls outside of the map completely, you should still print "Given wall is not horizontal or vertical!"


+ Example 1.3.1: Adding invalid/partially valid walls

+ Example 1.3.2: Adding non-horizontal/vertical walls


1511 autotest-stage 01_03 cs_pacman

Stage 1.4 - Placing Dots

Once the setup phase has finished, and all features have been placed, we need to fill all the remaining squares with dots. These are the points which Pacman will collect while moving around the map. Any square which does not already have an entity on it should have a dot placed on it.

Assumptions / Restrictions / Clarifications

Dots should not be placed on tiles with another entity already present.

A dot should be placed under Pacman


+ Example 1.4.1: Placing dots after no setup

+ Example 1.4.2: Placing dots after adding entities


1511 autotest-stage 01_04 cs_pacman

Testing and Submission

Remember to do your own testing

Are you finished with this stage? If so, you should make sure to do the following:

Run 1511 style , and clean up any issues a human may have reading your code. Don't forget -- 20% of your mark in the assignment is based on style and readability!

Autotest for this stage of the assignment by running the autotest-stage command as shown below.

Remember -- give early, and give often. Only your last submission counts, but why not be safe and submit right now?

$ 1511 style cs_pacman.c

$ 1511 autotest-stage 01 cs_pacman

$ give cs1511 ass1_cs_pacman cs_pacman.c


Assignment Conditions

Joint work is not permitted on this assignment.

This is an individual assignment.

The work you submit must be entirely your own work. Submission of any work even partly written by any other person is not permitted.

Except, you may use small amounts (< 10 lines) of general purpose code (not specific to the assignment) obtained from a site such as Stack Overflow or other publically available resources. You should attribute clearly the source of this code in an accompanying comment.

Assignment submissions will be examined, both automatically and manually for work written by others.

Do not request help from anyone other than the teaching staff of COMP1511, e.g. in the course forum & help sessions.

Do not post your assignment code to the course forum - the teaching staff can view assignment code you have recently autotested or submitted with give.

Rationale: this assignment is designed to develop the individual skills needed to produce an entire working program. Using code written by or taken from other people will stop you learning these skills. Other CSE courses focus on the skill needed for work in a team.

The use of code-synthesis tools, such as GitHub Copilot, is not permitted on this assignment.

Rationale: this assignment is intended to develop your understanding of basic concepts. Using synthesis tools will stop you learning these fundamental concepts.

Sharing, publishing, distributing your assignment work is not permitted.

Do not provide or show your assignment work to any other person other than the teaching staff of COMP1511. For example, do not message your work to friends.

Do not publish your assignment code via the internet. For example, do not place your assignment in a public GitHub repository.

Rationale: by publishing or sharing your work you are facilitating other students using your work which is not permitted. If they submit your work, you may become involved in an academic integrity investigation.

Sharing, publishing, distributing your assignment work after the completion of COMP1511 is not permitted.

For example, do not place your assignment in a public GitHub repository after COMP1511 is over.

Rationale: COMP1511 sometimes reuses assignment themes using similar concepts and content. Students in future terms find your code and use it which is not permitted and you may become involved in an academic integrity investigation.

Violation of the above conditions may result in an academic integrity investigation with possible penalties, up to and including a mark of 0 in COMP1511 and exclusion from UNSW.

Relevant scholarship authorities will be informed if students holding scholarships are involved in an incident of plagiarism or other misconduct. If you knowingly provide or show your assignment work to another person for any reason, and work derived from it is submitted you may be penalised, even if the work was submitted without your knowledge or consent. This may apply even if your work is submitted by a third party unknown to you.

Note, you will not be penalised if your work is taken without your consent or knowledge.

For more information, read the UNSW Student Code, or contact the course account. The following penalties apply to your total mark for plagiarism:

0 for the assignment   Knowingly providing your work to anyone and it is subsequently submitted (by anyone).

0 for the assignment   Submitting any other person's work. This includes joint work.

0 FL for COMP1511   Paying another person to complete work. Submitting another person's work without their consent.

Submission of Work

You should submit intermediate versions of your assignment. Every time you autotest or submit, a copy will be saved as a backup. You can find those backups here, by logging in, and choosing the yellow button next to 'cs_pacman.c'.

Every time you work on the assignment and make some progress you should copy your work to your CSE account and submit it using the give command below.

It is fine if intermediate versions do not compile or otherwise fail submission tests.

Only the final submitted version of your assignment will be marked.

You submit your work like this:

$ give cs1511 ass1_cs_pacman cs_pacman.c

Assessment Scheme

This assignment will contribute 20% to your final mark.

80% of the marks for this assignment will be based on the performance of the code you write in cs_pacman.c

20% of the marks for this assignment will come from manual marking of the readability of the C you have written. The manual marking will involve checking your code for clarity, and readability, which includes the use of functions and efficient use of loops and if statements.

Marks for your performance will be allocated roughly according to the below scheme.

100% for Performance   Completely Working Implementation, which exactly follows the spec (Stage 1, 2, 3 and 4).

85% for Performance   Completely working implementation of Stage 1, 2 and 3.

65% for Performance   Completely working implementation of Stage 1 and Stage 2.

35% for Performance   Completely working implementation of Stage 1.

The Challenge stage of the assignment is NOT worth any marks, but is something fun for you to work on getting to know a new library and building something more visual!