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Econ3338 Econometrics I


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Econometrics I

Econ3338 (01)

Fall 2021


What is the project for this course?

 Consider a research question that can be answered via application of regression analysis on economic data.

 Use a dependent variable and some independent variables to identify and quantify the effects of these independent variables on the dependent variable.

 Limitation: Data need to be cross-sectional.

 Time series data present some challenges that will be discussed next term in Econ 3339.

How to come up with a project topic?

 Classes in economics that you have taken so far, or you are currently taking

 Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

 Growth determinants across countries

 Labour economics

 Determinants of wages (education, sex, ethnicity)

 You own personal interests

 Data availability

 You have got hold of a nice dataset, and you design your research question based on the variables included.

Dates & Format

 Important Dates

 Proposal: Oct. 29th

 If you have heard no critical feedback from the instructor/TA about your proposal prior to Nov. 5th, your proposal has been approved.

 First draft: Dec. 3rd

 If significant issues are detected, you will be notified so that you could fix them prior to final paper submission.

 Final paper: December 7 th


 All deliverables need to be typed.

 Proposal: An e-copy uploaded in Brightspace (single page)

 First draft: An e-copy uploaded in Brightspace

 Final paper: An e-copy uploaded in Brightspace and a hard copy submitted to the mailbox of the instructor5

Details about the format of the first draft and the final paper see the following document in Brightspace:

Econ3338_ProjectInstructions 6

Project Proposal

 Single Page-typed (Name and Banner Number are required)

 2 paragraphs

1. What is the research question that you plan to answer? What is the dependent variable in your analysis? What are the independent variables in your analysis? What effect/relationship do you plan to capture? Why is this question important (motivation)?

2. Data. Discuss what dataset you will be using. If your dataset is not obtained via a textbook (see discussion below), discuss the source of your dataset or the method you have used to collect and construct your own dataset.

 Submit it online by Oct. 29th.

 If you have heard no critical feedback from the instructor/TA about your proposal prior to Nov. 5th, your proposal has been approved. You can continue to work on your project as planned.


 Datasets in Brightspace

 Wooldridge textbook (available via GRETL)

 Stock and Watson textbook (available via GRETL)

 Other textbooks (available via GRETL)

 External data


 World Bank

 Statistics Canada

 PENN World Tables

 Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED)

 Ask a librarian


 Construct your own dataset


What will matter for your grade?

 How interesting your research question is?

 Originality, clarity, and sound motivation

 Did you perform a literature review?

 What is already known about your research question?

 Data set

 Your data are valid to your research question.

 Variables are suitably transformed.

 The sample size is reasonably large.

 For your research question, you have collected and constructed your dataset from different sources that meet the above criteria.


 Follow the format guidelines and avoid grammar and spelling errors

 Content-Regression Analysis

 Technical: statistical interpretation

 Discussion of empirical results: economic interpretations