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Supply Chain Analytics Coursework 1 (Prescriptive Analytics)


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Supply Chain Analytics Coursework 1 (Prescriptive Analytics)


•   This is the first of two assessments for this unit: the first on prescriptive analytics and the second on predictive / descriptive analytics.  Each coursework accounts for 50%    of the total unit mark.

Submission Deadline: Thursday 7 March 2024 at 1pm.

•   Word Count: 1500 words is suggested as a guideline for length.  It maybe longer or shorter than this, but if shorter, it will be assessed as to whether it has covered the salient issues insufficient depth.  If longer, it will be assessed from the perspective of whether unnecessary material has been included.  So, number of words is an element of academic judgement in marking, not a penalty for failing to meet a word count.

•    References: Use Harvard System for referencing.

•    Formatting: Time New Roman or Calibri; font size 12; 1.5 spaced; justified.

Coursework Description:

Please see the accompanying case study: Radiation Treatment Machine Capacity Planning at Cancer Care Ontario

The case involves optimal allocation of linear accelerators (linacs) to cancer centres. However, the objective is unclear. Two possibilities are:

a. Maximise the sum of the ratios of capacity to demand

b. Minimise the sum of excess of demand over capacity


1.    Formulate and solve the problem outlined in the case using both objectives described above and a third objective of your choice.  Consider the following questions:

a.    Discuss the pros and cons of the three models

b.    How would you extend this analysis to several years?

c.    How would you account for uncertainty in the demand forecasts?

d.    Could you allow variable capacity in the model?  If so, how?

e.    How should Wang “sell” his approach to senior management?

2.    Write a report for Cancer Care Ontario on how to proceed.  The report should include:

•    Formulation of the Linear Programming problem

•    Screenshots of the Excel spreadsheet model

Statement of the recommended solutions from each model.

•    Discussion of the questions raised above.

•    Discussion of assumptions made in applying Linear Programming to Cancer Care Ontario’sproblem.

•    Discussion of how this project could be extended, including a statement of requirements to carryout the proposed extension.

With this coursework you should produce a report containing:

Report structure should follow:

•    Statement of Findings - presentation of the results of the analysis and discussion of the questions in 1 for CCO

•    Assumptions  – discussion of case and model assumptions with comment on how realistic they are here.

•    Extensions  – presentation of any extended work completed, with rationale as to why it is useful and discussion of possible ways this project could be sensibly extended, with requirements for extension.

•    Formulation – statement of mathematical formulation of problem and interpretation of variables / constraints

•    Screen picture of Excel Spreadsheet in Number View with explanatory comment

•    Screen picture Excel Spreadsheet in Formula View with explanatory comment

•    Screen picture of Solver Form with explanatory comment

You will be assessed on:

•   The correctness of your model formulation and implementation

•   The correctness and details in your interpretations of the output

•   The clarity of the interpretation of your analysis and discussion of questions raised above and presentation of recommendations for management’sunderstanding.

•   The structure and presentation style of the report with due regards to target audience

•    Depth of thought and research on discussion of assumptions underlying the work

•    Breadth of thinking demonstrated in conducting and presenting ideas for any

relevant extended analysis beyond the basic brief (especially if based on your own independent reading)

Intended Learning Outcomes

This assignment assesses the following  unit ILOs (in bold):

1.   Demonstrate understanding of the main descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytical models and tools for supply chain management

2. Apply the main descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytical models and tools available for analysing supply chain managment

3.   Use computer software to implement solutions to supply chain analytics problems.

4.   Interpret analytical results to forman opinion on a given business question

5.   Demonstrate a critical approach to the selection of analytical tools for a given

problem and the opportunities and limitations inherent in both the tool and the application environment.

6.   Distinguish different approaches when communicating technical information,

whether orally or written, to different audiences, whether specialist or generalist, strategic or tactical.