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ARTD3082 Critical Thinking and Writing 2


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ARTD3082 Critical Thinking and Writing 2

In order to successfully pass this module, you are required to engage in academic research and write an illustrated essay of 3500 words which responds to the brief.

This essay will need to be referenced using the Harvard referencing style and is expected to include quotations, labelled illustrations, and a bibliography.


The philosopher Walter Benjamin suggested that you need to look at small events, objects or moments and put these together to understand the whole history of something:

The first stage of this undertaking will be to carry over the principle of montage into history. That is, to assemble large-scale constructions out of the smallest and most precisely cut components. Indeed, to discover in the analysis of the small individual moment the crystal of the total event.

Walter Benjamin, ‘On the Theory of Knowledge, Theory of Progress’ in The Arcades Project.

Thinking about your Final Project, write an essay describing what are its ‘precisely cut components’ or ‘small individual moments’? In other words what is its design D.N.A., its signature elements, or important details that inspire and tell the story of the collection? This could be a specific colour palette, choice of fabric, distinctive cutting technique, use of print or other decoration. How do these details relate to the themes and stories you want your collection to tell? How do these signature elements reference bigger ideas such as fashion’s connection to history, to society, to politics, to technological change, to injustice, to the future, to race, gender, and sexuality…? 

What is your collection ‘saying’ and how does it become the ‘crystal of the total event’?    


Hand-in for this theory module will be online via Blackboard Turnitin, on Tuesday 19th March 2024, no later than 23.59 GMT.

Further information can be found below.


The word count for this essay is 3500 words including quotations and excluding illustration labelling / captions hy and Bibliography.


When starting academic research remember that you will need to accurately reference material throughout your essay using the Harvard referencing style, and provide a complete Bibliography. Keep a list of all sources you use, with page numbers and quotations. Do this as you compile the material, this is much easier than having to revisit sources just before submission.

You should use the Harvard referencing style in your assignment, Citethemrightonline is a great online resource for referencing: 


The library also provide guidance on how to reference in the Harvard style and this is available from: http://library.soton.ac.uk/sash/referencing

A brief example of Harvard referencing style for a direct quotation in-text could be:

As Gorman notes, “Taboo, the club-night fronted by Bowery, was the antithesis of The Face’s Soho masculine cool” (2017, p.104).

The corresponding Bibliography entry listed at the end of the essay would be:

Gorman, P. (2017) The story of The Face: the magazine that changed culture. London: Thames & Hudson.


A basic list of useful publications, websites, and journals is provided on Blackboard. This is not an exhaustive list and will be supplemented with additional reading and links throughout the lecture series. 

The Library at WSA and Highfield have many other useful publications available via their online catalogue: https://library.soton.ac.uk/homepage

Additional information on how to search the library catalogue will be provided on Blackboard.


The University library provides a range of services to support your academic study broadly, also addressing specific skills such as academic writing. The Academic Skills Hub is available here: https://library.soton.ac.uk/sash

Students can drop-in for one-to-one sessions in 20 minute slots, or book online: https://library.soton.ac.uk/appointment


Assessment information can be found in the Module Handbook on Blackboard. Further detail including an opportunity for questions and answers will be given in-session.


Academic Integrity is fundamental to studying at University and is a guiding principle of academic life. At its most basic, Academic Integrity describes acting with honesty and responsibility in one's own academic work.

Observing good practice with regards to Academic Integrity will enable you to demonstrate your own knowledge, skills and understanding of the subject and to receive feedback to help you progress. You will also be developing professional skills and values which are sought by employers.

Breaches of Academic Integrity can include:

Plagiarism: the use of ideas, intellectual property, or work of others (including that of another student) without appropriate acknowledgement and/or indication, thereby presenting someone else’s work and/or ideas as your own. This is the most common breach in written assignments as students use what is written in their research without citing the original author (see Referencing below).

Collusion: working with another student or students in an unauthorised way to create academic work that should be created by a student independently. 

External authorship/assistance: where you present work as your own that has been created using unauthorised external input including a garment manufacturer, pattern cutter, essay mill, or any other form of contract cheating, whether that input is obtained on a commercial basis or not. 

Recycling: (sometimes referred to as self-plagiarism) where a piece of work or part thereof which has already been used in one context is used again (without appropriate acknowledgement or authorisation) in another context.  

If you are unsure about any aspect of your work, please discuss this with a tutor. You can find more information about Academic Integrity here: http://www.southampton.ac.uk/quality/assessment/academic_integrity.page