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Assignment #2: Writing a Progress Report


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Assignment #2: Writing a Progress Report

Due date for progress report#1: Week 5

Due date for progress report#2: Week 9

Total Score: 5 points for each progress report

Assignment description

In this assignment, you write a progress report for your project.

How to turn in

Turn in your assignment in Word format to Canvas so that I can directly edit your document for feedback.

Evaluation criteria

The grade will be determined by 20% of the writing and 80% technical quality and progress made.

· Criteria for writing include readability (coherence, consistency, flow), use of computer science technical terms and conventions, organization, citation, grammar, syntax, punctuation, style, and format.

· Criteria for technical quality, task plan, technical quality of work completed, work results, and amount of progress toward the completion.

Proposal format

· Use the report template given.

Progress Report

Your Project Title

Your name and contact email address

Identify all the tasks to complete as shown below:

1. Project milestones

Status: completed         ongoing           not completed

Item #


Due Date




Define high-level architecture for a new platform.




This is completed based on an extensive review of Microsoft web site and additional literature.  This may move around a little bit as the architecture is flushed out more.


Document high-level architecture for the current platform (As is state)




Complete.  This current architecture is a mixed bag of technologies including VB 6.0, C#, ASP, ASP.NET, C++, and javascript.


Create sequence and deployment diagrams for future architecture




Complete high-level flows have been completed for sequence diagrams.  In the interest of time did not do all sequence diagrams for all flows just covered major flows. Deployment diagram is also complete and shows various components and where they will be deployed.


Define technologies to be leveraged at each layer of the application in the future state.




Complete all technologies have been defined with clear boundaries about what functionality will be included in what tier.


Clear definition of at least 2 approaches to migrating the application to a new architecture



This is completed but I am not satisfied with it.  The challenge is getting a viable solution that the business will be ok with in terms of time and cycles to re-work the system.  Business will want a justification for the re-work “updating the technology” does not drive a lot of revenue so the intent is to drive to this based on actual requirements and re-work the back end at the same time.

2. A summary of progress

A brief summary of progress

3. Significant problems or changes


4. Questions

A list of questions if any.

5. Detailed descriptions of completed tasks and results (optional)

Detailed descriptions of the completed tasks and results.