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Math 127 Online Syllabus


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Math 127 Online Syllabus

Part 1: Course Information

Course Description

This is a 3-credit calculus course with applications to problems in the life and social sciences. Topics include functions and graphs, the derivative, techniques of differentiation, curve sketching, maximum-minimum problems, exponential and logarithmic functions, exponential growth and decay, and introduction to integration.


•      Proficiency in high school algebra, including word problems.

Textbook & Course Materials

Required Text

•    This course requires the use of wileyplus. With your purchase of wileyplus you will receive a copy of the e-book associated with this course. Instructions on obtaining wileyplus and the ebook at the Umass discounted rate are available on blackboard under “textbook and homework”.

Course Requirements

•    Internet connection (DSL, LAN, or cable connection desirable)

•    Access to blackboard (www.umassulearn.net)

•    A calculator that can compute natural logarithms and exponential functions.

•    Lots of paper.

Course Structure

This course will be delivered entirely online through the course management system Blackboard. You will use your Umass account to login to the course from Blackboard (https://uma.umassonline.net ) In Blackboard, you will access online lessons, course materials, and resources. Activities will consist of help chat, discussion forums, and  wileyplus homework.

Blackboard Access

This course will be delivered online through a course management system named Blackboard.

To access this course on Blackboard you will need access to the Internet and a supported Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari).  To ensure that you are using a supported browser and have   required plug-ins please run the Check Browserfrom your Blackboard course.

Technical Assistance

If you need technical assistance at any time during the course or to report a problem with Blackboard you can:

Visit the BlackboardStudent Resources Page

Visit the BlackboardStudent FAQ’s Web Page

Submit a Blackboard Problem Form

Time Commitment

This course covers all of the material covered in the traditional 14-

week timeframe. When this course is offered in the Winter or Summer the material remains the same, but the time is significantly shortened. This means that students will need to spend several hours per day,

every day of the term, engaged with the coursework to be successful. Please keep this in mind when deciding if this course is right for you.

Important Note: This syllabus, along with course assignments and due dates, are subject to change. It is the student’s responsibility to check

Blackboard for corrections or updates to the syllabus. Any changes will be clearly noted in course announcement or through Blackboard email.

Part 2: Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

1.   Take first and second derivatives of polynomials, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions.

2.   Be able to draw first and second derivative graphs of polynomials, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions.

3.   Find maxima, minima, and inflection points of polynomials, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions.

4.   Estimate area under a curve.

5.   Calculate exact area under a curve

6.   Use the Fundamental Theorems of Calculus

7.   Think critically

8.   Analyze mathematical word problems

9.   Problem solve applied calculus problems

You will meet the objectives listed above through a combination of the following activities in this course:

•    Watching lecture videos and taking detailed notes.

•    Trying related examples and watching videos on how to solve these

•    Completing homework on related material

•    Participating in discussion forums with your classmates.

•    Demonstrating knowledge on quizzes and the final

Time Management

Part of being successful in this course is making sure you are managing your time.

You can move faster than the suggested timeline of the course, but you cannot move slower. The deadlines are there to ensure that you are finished with the course before the final exam. Please make sure you can schedule time each day of the course to work on the material.

Part 3: Topic Outline/Schedule

Part 4: Grading Policy

Graded Course Activities

Visit the Assignments link in Blackboard for details about each assignment listed below. Click on Quizzes to access quizzes (See Part 4 for more information about accessing tools and activities).




Quizzes (10 pts each)




Mini Quizzes




Final Exam*


Total Points Possible

Late Work Policy

Be sure to pay close attention to deadlines—there will be no make ups on quizzes without a serious and compelling reason and instructor approval.

Homework many be completed for 50% credit until 11PM the day the last HW assessment is due.

Viewing Grades in Blackboard

Homework and quiz grades will be automatically posted in your WileyPLUS  account as you complete assignments and quizzes there. Be aware that the homework grade you observe on WileyPLUS does not include assignments   you have not yet completed (including ones that are labeled “past due”).

Points you receive for graded activities will be posted to the Blackboard Grade

Book. Click on the Grade Center link on the left navigation to view your points.

Wileyplus will update the online grades each time you use the return to

blackboard button.  Otherwise, grades will automatically sync approximately every 7 days.

* Important note: If you do not pass the final exam with 15 out of the 30 questions (50%) correct, you will not pass the course.

*Final exam MUST be proctored at Umass, or at a proctoring center local to you that is approved by your instructor.

Letter Grade Assignment

Course grades will be assigned based on the following scheme. There is no rounding when calculating final course grades.

Letter Grade
























Important note: If you do not pass the final exam with 15 out of the 30 questions (50%) correct, you will not pass the course.

Part 5: Course Policies


Students are expected to participate in all online activities as listed on the course calendar. Discussion board is a graded component of this course. It is through the discussion of the mathematics that you will start making the connections necessary to understand the material. Please see the link titled “Participation” for details on expectations.

Build Rapport

If you find that you have any trouble keeping up with assignments or other aspects of the course, make sure you let me know as early as possible. Building rapport and effective relationships are key to becoming an effective professional. Make sure that you are proactive in informing me when difficulties arise during the term so that I can  help you find a solution.

Complete Assignments

All assignments for this course will be submitted electronically through wileyplus and Blackboard unless otherwise instructed.

Assignments must be submitted by the given deadline or special permission must be requested from instructor before the due date in order to receive full credit. Extensions will not be given beyond the next assignment except under extreme circumstances.

All discussion assignments must be completed by the assignment due date and time. Late or missing discussion assignments will effect the  student’s grade.

Understand When You May Drop This Course

It is the student’s responsibility to understand when they need to  consider un-enrolling from a course. Refer to the Umass Academic Calendar for dates and deadlines for

Incomplete Policy

Under emergency/special circumstances, students may petition for an incomplete grade. An incomplete will only be assigned if the instructor approves the request. All incomplete course assignments must be completed within a timeframe agreed upon by the instructor and student.

Inform Your Instructor of Any Accommodations Needed

If you have a documented disability and verification from theOffice of Students with Disabilities (DS) and wish to discuss academic accommodations, please contact me as soon as possible. It is the student’s responsibility to provide documentation of disability to DS and meet with a DS counselor to request special accommodation before classes start.

DS is located in Whitmore 161 and can be contacted by phone at Phone (V/TTY): 413.545.0892

Commit to Integrity

As a student in this course (and at this university) you are expected to maintain high degrees of professionalism, commitment to active learning and participation in this class and also integrity in your  behavior in and out of the classroom.

Umass’s Honesty Policy & Procedures

“Since the integrity of the academic enterprise of any institution of higher education requires honesty in scholarship and research, academic honesty is required of all students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Read more about the Umass Academic Honesty Policy & Procedures


Cheating - intentional use or attempted use of trickery or deception in one's academic work

Fabrication - intentional falsification and/or invention of any information or citation

Plagiarism - knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one's own work

Facilitating dishonesty - knowingly helping or attempting to help another commit an act of academic dishonesty

Important Note: Any form of academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, may be reported to the office of student affairs.

Course policies are subject to change. It is the student’s responsibility to check Blackboard for corrections or updates to the syllabus. Any changes will be posted in Blackboard.