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phy205 Project Report 1


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Project Report 1:

The goal for this project is to help you get a better understanding of the knowledge that we have studied so far. It serves a midterm review and self-check. The materials you prepare and use for completing this project report can be used as good references for final exam preparation. The report includes two sections to write:

I. Summary and highlights

II. I Mock test questions and answers.

the report is due by March 4th, 11:59 PM, Toronto time.

It weighs 15% of the total mark of this course. We do not provide any reweight. We will grade this report in the scheme of 100 points. A penalty of 15 points out of 100 points will be applied per day (including weekends and holidays). For example, if the submission takes place at 1 am on March 5th, the maximum score one can receive is 85 points.

This is NOT a group project. Please work by yourself and finish the report independently and follow the requirements of Academic Integrity as listed in the course syllabus.

Formatting (4 points)

Please keep your report written in an organized fashion.

Font: Times New Roman, Cambria Math.

Font size: 12

Line spacing: 1.08 lines

Format to submit: PDF only

I. Summary and highlights (24 points)

This section is for you to summarize and highlight the knowledge that you think that are important and interesting by going through lecture 2 to lecture 14.

The evaluation is mainly based on the efforts you made to summarize and explain the contents and focuses, and also the depth of your understanding and thinking. Simply copying and pasting the contents from lecture slides and textbook(s) will guarantee a very low mark. If you once struggled with certain questions/concepts and resolved the problems and confusions afterwards, we strongly encourage you to demonstrate your learning path here. This is an excellent demonstration of deep thinking. We value how hard you think more than the ‘hard’ questions that one blindly seeks for. If you had taken series of physics courses before, and PHY205 is more like ‘jogging your memory’, writing a concise and well-organized outline of the knowledge that we covered so far is also an option and a good training process. The length of Summary and highlights section is 300-400 words.

II. Mock test questions and answers (72 points)


Motivations: Why do you design this question? What is the knowledge you aim to test? Why do you think this knowledge is essential to know well?

Question: If the question is overly straightforward and easy, we will assign a lower grade. The level of the complexity of these mock questions should not be significantly lower than the lecture/tutorial questions. If the question is copied from the textbook, lecture, tutorial questions/quizzes (for example by changing few numbers only), we will grade zero for the Question session.

Answer: You are expected to provide clear and formal solution/explanation to your questions. If your answer is incorrect but not totally unreasonable, we will offer partial points. Very vague and general answers will be assigned with very low grades correspondingly.