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07 34272 Business Analytics


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Assignment Remit

Programme Title

BSc Accounting

Module Title

Business Analytics

Module Code

07 34272

Assignment Title

Individual data project





Hand Out Date


Due Date & Time



Feedback Post Date

Click here to enter a date.

Assignment Format


Assignment Length

Equivalent to 9 pages (1000 words plus visualisation)

Submission Format




This assignment is based on the visualisation of data for different purposes. The data you will use for the assignment can be found herehttps://github.com/owid/co2-datait is data on global carbon emissions compiled by Our World in Data https://ourworldindata.org/(a non-profit organisation who compile open datasets on a wide range of social.

Environmental and political issues). In the assignment you can focus on this data, but we encourage you strongly to investigate other sources of relevant and reliable data that could be used alongside and combined with this data set. You will be required to complete three  tasks.

Task one

•   In the first task you will be expected to complete the cleaning task below that is linked to the Excel file (Data cleaning Excel file) You will be evidencing data cleaning skills learned in lectures and seminars.

“Clean the data in the attached Excel file (Data cleaning Excel file) that will be used to analyse how energy use and mix changes overtime and with changes in income and urbanisation. Explain the reasons for, and evaluate the usefulness of, each step that you take to clean the data.”

1.  The cleaning should take place in Excel.

2.  250-400 words for the explanation and evaluation.

3.  It is very important that you include an evaluation of what you have done and reasons    for decisions made in your own words.

4.  A copy of the cleaned data set must be included with your final submission.

Task two

•   You will use Tableau Public (or Tableau Desktop files saved to Tableau Public’s web site) for this task. You should already have a copy of this software that you will use in classes during the module.

The task is to use the ‘Our World in Data’ data set,and any other data sources you have chosen, to compile two visual representations of the data.

1.   The first visualisation should convey information about global carbon emissions to final year students at university living in the United Kingdom.

2.   The second visualisation should be a report to the directors of a global

environmental retail company based in the United Kingdom that highlights key issues, countries and sectors that contribute to carbon emissions. This report should be suitable for use on the company’sinternal intranet – it is not for public use.

Task three

•   You should submit a 750 -word explanation of the process you followed to create your visualisations. This report should explain.

1.   The data you selected for each report; Other sources of relevant data should be included alongside the given data source.

2.   How will your audience be given knowledge and understanding (to enable them to create wisdom) in your chosen subject area.

3.   The design of your visualization’s; Why are they appropriate for the target audience? How do they follow principles of good visualization design?

Your data visualisations, and any dashboard or story you create, should be saved to the  Tableau Public gallery. In your report you must provide clear links to your visualisations.

Module Learning Outcomes:

In this assessment the following learning outcomes will be covered:

•     Select, evaluate and apply data extraction techniques to real-world datasets.

•     Critically appraise techniques used for data cleaning, manipulation, and analysis and apply these techniques to real-world datasets using industry standard software tools.

•     Select and implement techniques for data visualisation and apply this to real-world datasets.