关键词 > BUSI1556

BUSI1556 – E-Business 2023-24


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BUSI1556 – E-Business


Guidelines to Good Report writing:

1) Good reports will include critical analysis.

2) You should suitably include the given headings and meaningful sub-headings in your report to make it easy to read.

3) Research your topic. Do not copy any materials you use word for word unless you identify these sections clearly as quotations. (See Harvard referencing)

4) If you paraphrase any materials you must identify the materials’ sources through in-text referencing.

5) Write your report in an appropriate academic style and particularly ensure you use ‘third person’ narrative, Harvard style in-text citation and referencing.

6) You should cite at least 8 different resources where 2 of them should be from books and the rest from journals or white papers.

7) Utilise a number of academic-style resources (e.g. textbooks, books and journals) and try to ensure that you use only a small number of internet sources.

8) This is an individual report please do not work closely with anyone else.

9) Write 2000 words (+ or - 10%) including the text of your essay but excluding the cover page, reference list, footnotes and appendices.

Your Simulation Report Template:

Section 1 – Your Online Business (200 words)

✓ Select the type of online business you want to set up & showcase your website (4 screenshots, see below):

o Your corporate background (About your business) page

o A marketing/products/services page

o A Sales and Payments handling page

o A FAQs or support you planned for your customers

✓ Write an introduction you’re your E-Business, covering the above.

TIP: If you are using Amazon, EBay or any Social media site for selling, you need to think of how you will present the above information & then do the screenshots. Each screenshot must be about half a page in size, otherwise it is difficult to see details & marks will be deducted.

Section 2 – Ebusiness MindMap (300 words)

✓ High Level Diagram: who your organisation connects to (for example, external organisations) and purpose of these organisations (Big Picture or helicopter eye view)

✓ Detail Level Diagrams (Max 3): Breakdown of functional sections of your business

✓ Write summarized brief to describe and accompany each diagram so the examiner knows what your business plans and operations.

To achieve this charting task, you could install the freeware from Edrawsoft.com (see: https://www.edrawsoft.com/edrawmind/ (Edraw Mindmapping tool) or any other preferred ones. You could also plot your figure using MSWord or Excel.

Section 3 – Evaluate the CRM software (1500 words)

This is your Technical Requirements section to showcase your technical understanding and capabilities. It is a desirable skill that many organisations look for.

✓ Discuss CRM and how it can help your online website (TIP: See lectures on “B2B Online Strategies” and “Marketing and Selling on the Web”).

✓ Compare Salesforce.com CRM software with another CRM software of your choice.

✓ To discuss & show the examiner the 6 to 10 key screenshots showing evidence of your investigations in your selected CRM software:

o Strong & weak aspects in the software

o For weak areas, what improvements are required for your organization. Are they common needs for other similar businesses?

✓ Discuss reasons for your choice CRM:

o Ease of use & Support Factors

o General cost, time & capabilities factors for implementation in your business

o You must look beyond the free trial

TIP: When you are evaluating, you must relate your discussions to your E-Business in Section 1 of this report.

APPENDIX I: You are required to publish your .ppt slides (see Moodle) for Lab discussions on (1)Travel Sector OR (2)Retail/Food Sector. Please follow the instructions below…

• Open your .ppt slides

• Copy all the slides and paste onto the Appendix section of your coursework. Repeat the above for your next set of slides.

(NOTE: Each slide should occupy about half a page)

APPENDIX II: Bibliography

Marking criteria (SIMULATION REPORT):

Guidelines to Good Report writing:

10) Good reports will include critical analysis.

11) You should suitably include the given headings and meaningful sub-headings in your report to make it easy to read.

12) Research your topic. Do not copy any materials you use word for word unless you identify these sections clearly as quotations. (See Harvard referencing)

13) If you paraphrase any materials you must identify the materials’ sources through in-text referencing.

14) Write your report in an appropriate academic style and particularly ensure you use ‘third person’ narrative, Harvard style in-text citation and referencing.

15) You should cite at least 8 different resources where 2 of them should be from books and the rest from journals or white papers.

16) Utilise a number of academic-style resources (e.g. textbooks, books and journals) and try to ensure that you use only a small number of internet sources.

17) This is an individual report please do not work closely with anyone else.

18) Write 2000 words (+ or - 10%) excluding the cover page, table of contents, reference list, footnotes or any appendices.

Your TCA Report Template: Review, think & write like a Corporate Manager. There are TWO report templates to chose from, depending on which area you would like to investigate and write:

• Select Template A for writing up on an e-business using platforms such as Amazon, EBay, Shopify, Rakuten, Lazada or Alibaba OR Similar platforms

• Select Template B for writing up on general E-Business website of your choice


Section 1 – Introduction to this report [100 words]

Section 2 – Your review of an e-business using a platform of your choice [800 words]

Write summarized brief with critical appraisal of the website, linking it to the theory taught in this module, journals and text books. (see meaning of critical appraisal https://dictionary.cambridge.org/example/english/critical-appraisal) Include screenshots so the examiner can visually reference and understand what you are trying to say:

• Introductions/background to the website using the platform (approximately 50 words)

• Screenshots of website reviewed (with proper description/labelling for each screenshot)

• What is on trend on the website (or App); What is not relevant or weak – Any room for improvements?

• Discuss Security – will you recommend the use of QR code?

• Briefly discuss the logistics or business processes involved in fulfilment and purchase returns in the platform.

o Your assessment of customer reviews and any recommendations

NOTE: The last 4 bullet points should take up about 750 words. So be precise & concise.

NOTE: You could include screenshots (here or in the Appendix) to support discussions.

Section 3 – The Platform’s Obligations (same website from Section 2) [1000 words]

Check your website that you have appraised (above) for their use of Social Media as well as their stand on customers’ posts, mental wellbeing and fair to all customers. Many EBusiness organisations have some form of Social Media presence. This must be clearly supported by the theory you learnt from your textbooks, journals, or white papers.

• Discuss e-business responsibility in ethics, related legislation & use of AI.

• How can freedom of speech be managed?

• Consider the EBusiness organisation’s level of control, protection promised and mental well-being for your customers in the business social media account:

o In the open and shared social media, whose data is it?

o What control measures & protection could be put in place?

o Is there any mental well-being that should be considered?

NOTE: This section DOES NOT refer to data protection. You could also discuss comparisons of business practices in the same platform & business sector. You could include screenshots (here or in the Appendix) to support discussions.

Your conclusions: 1) Summary of your report and 2) Summary of your views on the future of the above [100 words]

APPENDIX I: Publish TWO sets of your best .ppt slides from TERM 2 – weeks 20, 21, 22 or 23. Please follow the instructions below…

• Open your .ppt slides

• Copy all the slides and paste onto the Appendix section of your coursework. Repeat the above for your next set of slides.

(NOTE: Each slide should occupy about half a page)

APPENDIX II: You need to compile your Term 1 Wk 2, 11 and Term 2 Wk 25 (Student Learning on MIS Manifesto: Group Post – Achievements & Goals met; Individual Post – Personal Learning, Achievement & Goals met, etc) and place all 3 STAGES (see Moodle) here. APPENDIX III: This is optional for your screenshots. Remember to label them properly.


Section 1 – Introduction to this report [100 words]

Section 2 – Your review of an e-business using a general E-Business website of your choice [800 words]

Write summarized brief with critical appraisal of the website, linking it to the theory taught in this module, journals and text books. (see meaning of critical appraisal https://dictionary.cambridge.org/example/english/critical-appraisal) Include screenshots so the examiner can visually reference and understand what you are trying to say:

• Introductions/background to the website (approximately 50 words)

• Screenshots of website reviewed (with proper description/labelling for each screenshot)

• What is on trend on the website (or App); What is not relevant or weak – Any room for improvements?

• Discuss Security – will you recommend the use of QR code?

• Briefly discuss the logistics or business processes involved in fulfilment and purchase returns for the website.

o Your assessment of customer reviews and any recommendations

NOTE: The last 4 bullet points should take up about 750 words. So be precise & concise.

NOTE: You could include screenshots (here or in the Appendix) to support discussions.

Section 3 – The Website’s Obligations (same website from Section 2) [1000 words]

Check your website that you have appraised (above) for their use of Social Media as well as their stand on customers’ posts, mental wellbeing and fair to all customers. Many EBusiness organisations have some form of Social Media presence. This must be clearly supported by the theory you learnt from your textbooks, journals, or white papers.

• Discuss e-business responsibility in ethics, related legislation & use of AI.

• How can freedom of speech be managed?

• Consider the EBusiness organisation’s level of control, protection promised and mental well-being for your customers in the business social media account:

o In the open and shared social media, whose data is it?

o What control measures & protection could be put in place?

o Is there any mental well-being that should be considered?

NOTE: This section DOES NOT refer to data protection. You could also discuss comparisons of business practices in the same business sector. If the website you selected does not use Social Media, discuss this section in general terms for the above. You could include screenshots (here or in the Appendix) to support discussions.

Your conclusions: 1) Summary of your report and 2) Summary of your views on the future of the above [100 words]

APPENDIX I: Publish TWO sets of your best .ppt slides from TERM 2 – weeks 20, 21 or 22 or 23. Please follow the instructions below…

• Open your .ppt slides

• Copy all the slides and paste onto the Appendix section of your coursework. Repeat the above for your next set of slides.

(NOTE: Each slide should occupy about half a page)

APPENDIX II: You need to compile your Term 1 Wk 2, 11 and Term 2 Wk 25 (Student Learning on MIS Manifesto: Group Post – Achievements & Goals met; Individual Post – Personal Learning, Achievement & Goals met, etc) and place all 3 STAGES (see Moodle) here. APPENDIX III: This is optional for your screenshots. Remember to label them properly.

TERM 2 Assignment: