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IFJ6006 IRP Integrated Assessment


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IFJ6006 IRP Integrated Assessment - 30% weightage

Self-reflective task: reflection on your performance and progress over first 6 weeks in semester 2 in IFP6006:

And Log File: STATA log file generated automatically which saves all the commands executed and output generated in STATA

Deadline: Uploaded before 23.55 on Sunday 05 March 2023 (week 6).


You are not required to answer all the questions. Be selective.  We are looking for DEPTH of insight not breadth of response.

Self-reflective task - 20%:

Write 1000 words (+/- 10%) in response to the following questions:

1) A short summary of your research question and the results of your analyses (you can

include a few graphs in an Appendix at the end of the reflective task document if necessary as none will appear in the STATA do file)

2) In what ways have you made improvements in the following areas?

•      Finding and collecting relevant data

•      Cleaning the dataset

•    Transforming your variables in a workable way

•    Describing your data

•    Applying the right tools for regression analyses

•    Choosing the correct hypotheses and testing them

•    Reporting your results in a concise and clear manner

•    Interpreting your results

3) Which of the skills you have developed have you found most valuable and why?

4) Which skills and/or aspects of independent research do you feel you have improved most from IFP6005 and could improve most in IFP6006?  How do you think you can improve them?

Log file should include as much detail as possible in the form of comments (lines starting with * at beginning of each line in the STATA do file) - 10%

•     Present ALL STEPS that you took to arrive to the final results in the most detailed way

•     Illustrate your empirical evidence supported by tables (graphs and with a short description will appear in an Appendix in the reflective task document)

•     For each estimation output/table/graph explain in detail what you want the reader to understand (try to place yourself from the point of view of the reader)

•     Explain clearly your model: You need to present the model that you will use. You

need to explain why you use this specific model and not another model (i.e., why this model is the most appropriate for your research question).

•     Write down your regression model/s clearly and the variables well defined.

•     Explain clearly your data: You will need to say what data you use, where you found them, what is the frequency of those and what exactly they are.

•     Present a table of descriptive statistics of the main variables of your model.

•     Conduct robustness tests: Tests for heteroscedasticity - Tests for autocorrelation - Multicollinearity - Outliers and any others.

•     Explain clearly other robustness checks like try to see if your results hold if you make any changes, such as: - Estimation method - Data set i. either to include other subjects (countries, firms, etc) ii. and/or other sample period or sub-samples (pre-crisis/during  the crisis/post crisis) iii. split the subjects according to some characteristics (for example size: large vs small and/or developed vs developing economies)