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MATH 370 §2 & §3, Spring 2024 Assignment: LATEX Typesetting Assessment


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MATH 370 §2 & §3, Spring 2024

Assignment: LATEX Typesetting Assessment

For this assignment, you will use an AMS article class, and, working from in class ex-amples/templates, produce LATEX code which, when rendered to a .pdf, nearly duplicates the provided .pdf document entitled “ScatteredMath.pdf” but with some minor modifications. Each student is responsible for their own individual submission for this assignment.

1. You should add yourself as a coauthor, without removing me as an author. Do not add a separate institution/address. You should adjust/control pdf meta-data as appropriate.

2. You should update the date.

3. You should include a linkable table of contents, all citations, and a references section.

4. You should include the figure, but modify the caption to appropriately attribute the real author (your instructor, who is either the first author or second author of the paper, depending on how you set up authorship in the preamble.)

5. Your output when rendered should duplicate the Scattered Math document as nearly as possible, including sections, subsections, spacing in equations, paragraph structure, theorem numbering, symbol choices, and sizing.

Submit your draft version by providing an overleaf share link to the instructor via Canvas, no later than March 1st, and then submit your final version as a .pdf on Gradescope by March 8th.

Here, have a Rubric!

5 pts You update authorship information and the date as requested, and include the figure with corrected caption.

5 pts You include a table of contents, and use correct pdf title and authorship information in the metadata produced by the hyperref package options

10 pts Citations and references are correctly implemented

30 pts Your code is overall well organized, builds off of the template provided (or an equal/better template of your own creation), and clearly produces the output you submit

50 pts - Your output correctly and completely duplicates the text, mathematics, and general formatting in the Scattered Math document.