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HA 4104 Assignment 2: 2000-word essay


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HA 4104 Assignment 2: 2000-word essay

80% of overall module grade

A 2,000-word essay (+/- 10% and excluding bibliography) that answers one of the below questions:

· How has globalisation affected the design, production, distribution or consumption of fashion? Use specific (1-3) example(s) to examine this question in your essay.

Key words to consider Globalisation/global flows, localisation, national/cultural identities, representation, colonialism, post-colonialism and decolonisation, cultural appropriation.

· How can fashion re-enforce or challenge how gender identities are constructed? Consider with references to specific (1-3) example(s)

Key words to consider: Femininity; masculinities; LGBTQ+ identities; the fashioned body; body regimes; the gaze; queer theory.

· How have subcultures (and their sartorial/fashion identities) been influential in mainstream fashion? Discuss with reference to relevant (1-3) example(s).

Key words to consider: Community; authenticity; consumerism and youth culture; trickle-down/bubble-up/ trickle-across theories; music-art-fashion collaboration.

· What role does media play in creating fashion(s)? Focus on one media format (this could be new/digital/social media; magazines and print based formats; the fashion show; the fashion film) and discuss with reference to (1-3) example(s).

Key words to consider: Representation; celebrity culture and influence; self-storytelling; trickle down/bubble-up/ trickle-across theories; spectacle; the everyday.

Please note the following, your essay should include

· Reference to the relevant key themes, debates and concepts covered in the module;

· Referenced quotations (formatted according to Harvard Style) and engaged discussion with content from at least four different academic texts (with at least two from the reading list) to support your argument;

· A critical analysis of examples, which includes images of them;

· Conventions of academic writing including citing, referencing, captions and a bibliography containing all source material used in your research (with a separate list of images), referenced using Harvard Style.

This is a link to the dedicated library pages to help you with various aspects of managing academic research and writing:https://canvas.kingston.ac.uk/courses/768/pages/ksa-art-and-design-how-to-cite-and-reference

Also please note that you must not cite Wikipedia/blog posts, nor use website material and do not refer to media articles as academic sources. Sites, such as Business of Fashion, Vogue Business or WGSN are industry publications and may be referred to (as support or primary material) but they do not count as one of your academic sources.

Academic Sources include the weekly readings or can be found in the library (or via ICAT online) and include very useful databases and e-books particularly at the Berg Fashion Library.

There is also supporting material to help you with your essay research, preparation and writing on CANVAS – see weeks 5-10 on the Schedule Page for workshop slides

Recommended Actions:

Attend all sessions: look at session information/guidance on Canvas: put time aside each week for independent research: look at the recommended readings each week: DON’T LEAVE THE ASSIGNMENT TO THE DAY BEFORE SUBMISSION!

Assessment Criteria (how we mark your work)

The following Level 4 criteria will be used to holistically assess the module submissions:

4.1 Research and Understanding (inclusion of reliable research that demonstrates understanding and informs and supports ideas)

4.2 Examples and Analysis (use of examples and their analysis which shows engagement with themes and personal interpretation).

4.3 Writing and communication (clarity of structure, communication of ideas and understanding of academic skills – e.g., referencing, image captions and formatting).

Work is to be uploaded, as either word doc. or PDF to CANVAS (choose ‘Assignment’ from the module page main menu, you will find the submission point listed there) 18 March 2024: by 17.00