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PHYSICS 132 – Winter 2023 Term Test #1


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PHYSICS 132 - Winter 2023

Term Test #1


1.  A  plastic rod that has been charged to +10 nC  touches a metal sphere. Afterward, the rod’s charge is +16 nC. What kind of charged particle was transferred between the rod and the sphere and in which direction?

a.  Protons moved from the rod to the sphere.

b.  Electrons moved from the rod to the sphere.

c.  Protons moved from the sphere to the rod.

d.  Electrons moved from the sphere to the rod.

2.  Two charges are placed along +x axis, as shown in the figure below. Charge QA  is positive and the electric field  = 0 at the point between the charges, indicated in the picture. Which of the following statement is true about charge QB? 

a.  QB  is negative and |QA| >  |QB|.

b.  QB  is negative and |QA| <  |QB|.

c.  QB  is positive and |QA| >  |QB|.

d.  QB  is postive and |QA| <  |QB|.

3.  Two charges,   q1   and    q2   are placed along x axis    at        x1   = −3.0 m     and    x2   = +1.0 m , respectively. The electric potential from the two charges, measured along x axis, is shown in the figure. What can you deduce about the sign on the charges?

a.  q1  is positive, q2  is negative.

b.  q1  is negative, q2  is positive.

c.  Both  q1  and q2  are positive.

d.  Both q1  and q2  are negative.

4.  Two identical, small spheres of charges q1  = +2e   and q2   = +6e experience force of magnitude FA  when separated by distance T . The spheres are brought in contact with each other and then separated by the same distance T , where they experience force of magnitude FB . What is the ratio of the magnitudes of the forcesF ?

a.   = 3/4

b.   = 3

c.   = 3/1

d.   = 4/3

5.  Consider the multi-loop circuit shown in the picture. Which of the Kirchhoff’s equations for this circuit is incorrect?

a.  −IAR1  + E1  + IBR3  + IBR2   = 0

b.  −E2  + ICR4  + ICR5  + IBR3  + IBR2   = 0

c.  −IAR1  − E1  + IBR3  + IBR2   = 0

d.  −IAR1  + E1  − ICR5  − ICR4  + E2   = 0

6.  What is the equivalent resistance of the circuits shown in the picture below?

a.  Req  = 25.0 Ω

b.  Req  = 11.0 Ω

c.  Req  = 6.25 Ω

d.  Req  = 2.50 Ω

7.  In certain  region  in  space  a  non-uniform  electric  field  is  present.  Figure  below  shows  the equipotential lines in that region. Based on the information provided in the picture, what is the  x component of the electric field at point P located atx  = 5.0 cm?

a.  Ex  = +2000

b.  Ex  = −2000

c.  Ex  = +1000

d.  Ex  = −1000

8.  A positron (me, +e) and an electron (me, −e) areplaced in a uniform electric field E and released. Which of the following statements is true?

a.  The particles will experience accelerations of the same magnitude in the same direction. 

b.  The particles will experience accelerations of the same magnitude in opposite directions. 

c.  The particles will experience accelerations of different magnitudes in the same direction. 

d.  The particles will experience accelerations of different magnitudes in opposite directions.

Questions 9 and 10 are referring to the same scenario:

Two   positive   charges,   q = 3.60 μC,   are   located distance  R = 0.070 m  away  from  the  origin,  one  at angle θ = 25.0o  above −x  axis and one at the same angle below −x axis, as shown in the picture.

9.  What  is  the total electric  potential due to these two charges at the origin?

a.  V = 1.02 MV

b.  V = 0.925 MV

c.  V = 0.838 MV

d.  V = 0 V

10. What is the magnitude of the net electric field due to these two charges at the origin?

a.  E = 1.61 × 107

b.  E = 1.32 × 107

c.  E = 1.20 × 107

d.  E = 0.558 × 107

Two stationary charges, QA  = +3.0 μC  and QB  = −3.0 μC  are  placed distance d = 0. 120 m  apart  as shown in the picture below. A negative charge q = −2.00 μC  and mass m = 1.00 × 10−6 kg  is launched from a mid-point between the charges with a velocity v = 1.84 × 103 to the right.

a.  In   the   figure   below   indicate  the   initial position of the charge q, the direction of its initial velocity, and the direction of the net electric force exerted on it by the other two charges. [1 point]

b.  What is the initial kinetic energy of the charge q? [2 points]

c.  What is the initial potential energy of the charge q? [2 points]

d.  What is the potential energy of the charge q after it travels through a displacement Δx = +0.0240 m? [2 points]

e.  What is the speed of the charge q after it travels through the displacement Δx  = +0.0240 m? [3 points]