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ECE 777AE - Spring 2024 Homework 2


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Homework 2

ECE 777AE - Spring 2024

Due on February 28, 2024

1. Given the importance of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) in industry and battery R&D, develop your own algorithm (Matlab preferred but not required) using Equivalent Circuit Models (ECMs) to simulate each of the Nyquist plots shown in figure 1(a-c). When submitting this assignment, make sure to provide the following:

(a) Reference values from the literature for all the resistors and capacitors for each of your ECMs. Make sure to cite the literature references you have used.

(b) The output plots generated using the code that you have developed.

(c) Submit the source code.

(d) Provide a description of the role played by each circuit element in each of your ECMs.

Figure 1: (a-c) Nyquit plots for EIS.