关键词 > MISY160



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Welcome to MISY160, Business Computing: Tools and Concepts. This course serves as an essential introduction to the world of business information systems. Throughout the semester, you will acquire a comprehensive understanding of key concepts, tools, and technologies integral to this field.


• Gain familiarity with fundamental MIS (Management Information Systems) concepts.

• Explore various tools and technologies used in computerized business environments.

• Develop proficiency in utilizing microcomputer applications, particularly Microsoft Excel and Access.

• Enhance computer competency through hands-on exercises, readings, and video materials.


By the conclusion of this course, you will have:

• Gained a solid grasp of MIS fundamentals.

• Demonstrated proficiency in using Microsoft Excel and Access.

• Developed the ability to apply MIS concepts in practical business contexts.


Digital Delivery & Course Materials:

All course materials, including Excel and Access online textbooks and assignments, will be digitally delivered. The cost of $109.99 will be charged to your UD account. No physical textbooks are required (ISBN: 2818440164187).

Opt-Out Option:

You have the option to opt-out by responding to emails sent to your university account 3-4 days prior to classes starting and before the add/drop period. Please note: Opting out will result in the cancellation of the charge and access to all materials after the add/drop period.Page 2


• Computer: A Windows or Mac OS computer with MS Office 365/2021 and Internet.

• Canvas: We'll use Canvas, UD's online system, for all course activities. Check it regularly.

• MyITLab: All Excel assignments must be done and submitted via MyITLab, included in your digital materials.

• Virtual lab. For those having Mac laptops, it's important to use the Virtual Lab for both Excel and Access assignments. We'll work with Excel 2021 for Windows, which looks different from Mac Excel. Using Mac Excel might make finding specific tools from lectures and the textbook tricky. Also, remember that Access 2021 isn't available on Mac.

• Zoom: We will use Zoom for office hours and video calls when needed (not regular lectures). Install Zoom on your computer or device for this. Our Zoom link is: https://udel.zoom.us/j/9816560234


Point Structure:

The overall course grade will be calculated based on the following components:


In-Class Assignments: Excel/Access                                                    10

Homework Assignments: Excel/Access                                                10

Capstone Project 1a: Excel                                                                 6

Capstone Project 1b: Excel                                                                 6

Capstone Project 2: Access                                                                 6

Current Issues in MIS                                                                         7

Exam 1 (Excel chapters 1,2,3 + Current Issues 1, 2, 3)                         15

Exam 2 (Excel 4,5,7,8 + Current Issues 4, 5, 6)                                    20

Exam 3/Final Exam (Access chapters 1,2,3,5 + Current Issues 7, 8)        20

Grand Total                                                                                      100

Grade Distribution:

A (93 – 100)    B+ (87 – <90) C+ (77 – <80) D+ (67 – <70) F (< 60)

A- (90 – <93) B (83 – <87) C (73 – <77) D (63 – <67)

B- (80 – <83) C- (70 – <73) D- (60 – <63)


• Total of three exams.

• Exam 1 and Exam 2: Cover Excel material.

• Exam 3/Final Exam: Cover Access material.

• Attend exams at scheduled times.

• Each exam has a 55-minute time limit.

• Exams are closed book, closed note, no web access.

• Questions derived from In-Class, Homework, and Capstone Projects.

• Present your UD Student ID during check-in.

• Late entry won't grant extra time.

• Partial credits based on attendance.

• Missing 5+ classes means no partial credit.

• Exams conclude with class end, not Canvas time.

• Attend exams as scheduled unless excused.

• Delete exam files after submission.

• Work independently and report Honor Code violations.

• Cheating leads to an immediate F grade and reporting.

• No final exam during UD final exam week.


In-Class Assignments (Excel/Access):

• Due on MyITLab or Canvas by the end of class or the day after.

• Complete individually, not collaboratively.

• Do not email assignments directly to your instructor.

Homework Assignments (Excel/Access):

• Due on MyITLab or Canvas as per syllabus or class announcements.

• Complete individually, not collaboratively.

• Do not email assignments directly to your instructor.

• All assignments posted on MyITLab or Canvas from start of semester.

MyITLab Assignments (Excel):

• Download and use starter file from MyITLab.

• Submit completed assignment on MyITLab.

• Using others' files detected by MyITLab is cheating.

• Penalty for submitting someone else's file for MyITLab assignments:

o 0 on that assignment, and

o 0 on the three highest-scoring assignments, and

o 0 on the upcoming exam.Page 4

• Note about MyITLab assignments:

o Files from MyITLab have your embedded ID code.

o Use your own downloaded file only.

o Every submission is ID code checked.

o Submitting another's file is academic integrity breach.

o Protect your files. Don't save them in public computers or other’s personal computer.

o Save in your own personal computer or USB.

Feedback and Attempts (excluding Capstone Projects):

o Immediate feedback on submission.

o Unlimited attempts for correction.

o Resubmit until you achieve 100%.

Curent Issues in MIS Assignments:

• Due on Canvas as per syllabus or class announcements

• For these assignments:

o Watch videos first.

o Answer matching questions based on video content.

Capstone Projects:

• Capstone Projects 1a & 1b: Cover Excel topics.

• Capstone Project 2: Covers Access topics.

Important Points:

• Complete Capstone projects individually.

• No assistance allowed from anyone, including other students, instructor, or TA.

Make-Up Policy:

• No make-up for In-Class or Homework Assignments.

• Exception: Complete UD online course evaluation, drop 4 lowest in-class and 2 lowest homework scores.

Late Submissions:

• 40% penalty per day late, including due date.

• Assignment within 24 hours late can earn max 60%.

• No credit after 48 hours (2 days) late.Page 5


• While I highly encourage cooperation with classmates on assignments for a richer learning experience, it's essential that the work you submit is entirely your own. Copying or submitting someone else's work is strictly prohibited. Upholding academic integrity is paramount, ensuring that the effort you put into assignments accurately reflects your understanding.


• All exams and assignments must be done individually.

• Copying another student's work is academic dishonesty and not tolerated.

• Cheating or plagiarism leads to immediate penalties and reporting.

• Exam cheating results in F grade and reporting.

• Submitting another's file for MyITLab assignments results in: 0 on that assignment, 0 on the three highest-scoring assignments, and 0 on the upcoming exam.

• Examples of Violations:

o Using starter files from others in assignments/exams.

o Copying and submitting someone else's work as your own.

o Copying someone else's work as a template for your own.

o Allowing others to use your files.

o Talking or looking at others' work during exams.

o Using electronic devices during exams.

o Using the internet, seeking help for Excel/Access, or referring to external sources during exams.

o Opening assignments during exams.


• All grades are final except for clear errors.

• Your final grade already includes bonus/extra points; no requests for more.

• No extra/make-up assignments for individual improvement.

• Evaluation process isn't debated, but suggestions welcome.