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Quantitative Research Assignment 2


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Research Methodology

Assignment 2 (GROUP) – Quantitative Research (40%)

Deadlines: Week 5 (5th March) 6 pm (Before class)

In groups of 4-7 each, please design a simple research study that will make use of survey methodology. The purpose of this assignment is for your group to design a simple research  study and a survey questionnaire to accompany  it.  This will allow your group to try designing a research study on your own, build a survey instrument, conduct a survey, and analyse the results.

For this group assignment, you have the freedom to select your group members. I hope that you will select other group members who share similar topics of interest so that you can work on something that everyone will be interested in.

For this assignment, you will be required to do the following:

1.  As a group, pick a single topic that you’d like to study. This should be a topic that fits within the realm of Communication or   Media  Studies. You  are strongly advised to consult with me about your choice of topic.

2.  Develop  2-3  Research  Questions  for your study with accompanying hypotheses. You should base this on at least 2  journal articles for reference, but you can develop your own if you like. You should provide some justification as to the variables and relationships you are testing.

3.  Develop your survey questions based on your variables. For each variable, there  should  be  at  least  3  (3  variables)  or  4  (2  variables)  questions  to  measure it. Be mindful of the types of variables that you choose and how  you define them. Please remember to also include demographic or control  variables in your survey.

4.  Compile all your questions into a survey instrument. You may conduct the survey physically or online (whichever you prefer).

5.  Each group member will then have to conduct a pilot test of the survey with a single person and report on what happened to your survey. You should amend your survey instrument based on this feedback.

6.  There will be a Progress Check during class before the final submission deadline.

7.  Once amended, please start collecting data for your survey. The minimum number of participants is going to be your group size multiplied by 10 (e.g., If your group has 5 members, you need 50 responses).

8.  After collecting your data, prepare it for analysis. Once the data has been prepared, use a Cronbach Alpha test to measure  the strength of the questions for each variable and how reliable they are in measuring that variable. Variables with high reliability will be used in the analysis and low reliability variables will be excluded. Please report this in your final report.

9.  Conduct hypothesis testing with all variables with high reliability using a correlation test. You should report the Pearson Correlation Coefficient value - r, together with its p-value and significance.

10. Discuss the results of your study.  Provide explanations as to why some hypotheses were accepted or rejected and discuss the limitations of your study.

The final report should contain the following:

.   A brief summary and description of your topic.

.    Introduction (10 marks)

o Problem Statement

o Your Research Questions

.    Literature Review  (10 marks)

o Operationalization of all variables

o Hypotheses

o Research Framework

.    Findings (SPSS) (10 marks)

o Variable reliability (Cronbach Alpha) results

o Correlation Analysis

o Regression Analysis (Hypothesis testing)

.    Discussion of findings (10 marks)

Here are some basic requirements for this assignment:

.   This assignment should be no longer than 20 pages (double-spaced, font size 12).

.   Any late submissions will incur a penalty (1 mark) for each day it is late (To a maximum of one week).  Extensions  of deadlines will  only  be  provided  for emergency or special cases (which require at least 48 hours’ notice before the assignment deadline)