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Semester Project (Individual)

Developing and Pretesting Measures for a Survey

This project gives you the opportunity to hone your skills in developing and pretesting measures for a product or service used by college students.   The requirements for this assignment are as follows:

1. Find a product and/or service that targets college students.  It can be a new product/service or an existing one.  You cannot, however, invent a product/service.  It has to be one in existence.

2. The product/service needs to be one that experiences competition from other products/services.   

3.  Do a background search about it to learn about its provider/manufacturer and other important aspects of it and the general category of products/services to which it belongs.

4. Assume for the sake of this assignment that the product manufacturer or service provider has hired you.  Your mission is to develop a study that measures important dimensions of the users or nonusers of this product or service.

5.  The purpose of this study is to report to the product manufacturer or service provider competitive intelligence about the product and/or service.  Key information here includes college students' level of awareness about its existence, usage or non-usage motivations, usage patterns, satisfaction with product and/or service and comparative trends with competing products or services and other relevant attitudes, beliefs and behaviors.

6.  First identify the variables and define them if necessary.  Make sure to justify their inclusion in your project

7.  Develop a single measure or multiple item measures for each variable you identified.

8.  Organize these measures into a questionnaire.

9.  Pretest the questionnaire by administering it to a small convenient sample (100) of college students.

10. Analyze your multiple measures for reliability and content validity.  Point out in your analysis those measures that seemed to be more stable and those that seemed less stable.

11. Make any necessary corrections to the measures that you found to be unstable and justify your modifications.

12.  Present the results of this project in a very systematic fashion.