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32213 China and the World Economy


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Assignment/Coursework Remit

Programme Title


Module Title

China and the World Economy

Module Code


Assignment Title



Year 2



Hand Out Date


Start of Submission Window & Time



End of Submission Window/Due Date & Time

13/03/2024 at 12 noon


Feedback Post Date


Assignment Format


Assignment Length

2000 words

Submission Format




Please choose one title among the three provided and write a 2,000-word essay.

TITLE 1 (provided by Professor Alessandra Guariglia)

Making use of all the references provided below and other references of your choice, discuss the effects of the fertility restrictions associated with the Chinese one-child policy on various economic and social outcomes. Then, discuss possible mechanisms explaining these effects.


Ebenstein, A. (2010). The "missing girls" of China and the unintended consequences of the one-child policy. Journal of Human Resources, 45 (1), 87 – 115.

Huang, W., Lei, X., Sun, A. (2021). Fertility restrictions and life cycle outcomes: Evidence from the One Child Policy in China. Review of Economics and Statistics, 103 (4): 694–710.

Huang, W., Zhou, Y., Pan, Y. (2023). One-child policy, marriage distortion and welfare loss.  Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.

Qin, X., Zhuang, C. C., Yang, R. (2017). Does the one-child policy improve children's human capital in urban China? A regression discontinuity design.  Journal of Comparative Economics, 45 (2), 287-303,

Zhang, J. (2017). The evolution of China’s one-child policy and its effects on family outcomes, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2017, 31 (1), 141–60.

Zhang, J., Xu, P., Liu, F. (2020). One-child policy and childhood obesity, China Economic Review, 59,100938.

TITLE 2 (provided by Professor Robert Elliott)

China has described the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as an attempt to “build a community with a shared future for mankind together with other countries around the globe”. In the context of this description, describe what the BRI is, its aims and why it has been criticized. Use maps and figures to illustrate your answer making use of all the references below plus other references of your choice.


FT Special Report – China’s Belt and Road Initiative https://www.ft.com/reports/china-belt-and-road-initiative.

Chatham House – What is China’s Belt and Road Initiative? https://www.chathamhouse.org/2021/09/what-chinas-belt-and-road-initiative-bri

Economist (2023) – How China’s Belt and Road Initiative is changing https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2023/10/17/how-chinas-belt-and-road-initiative-is-changing

World Economic Forum (2023) China’s Belt and Road Initiative turns 10. Here’s what to know. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/11/china-belt-road-initiative-trade-bri-silk-road/


Has China’s Belt and Road Initiative been a success? https://www.ft.com/video/bc00595a-1198-4417-88cc-ea4bd07bf583

TITLE 3 (provided by Professor David Dickinson)

Making use of all the references provided below and other references of your choice, discuss how innovation will be an important driver of China’s economic growth over the next 30 years. What sort of policies can China adopt to deliver such innovation?


Aghion, P., U. Akcigit and P. Howitt, 2014, ‘What do we learn from Schumpeterian Growth Theory’, Handbook of Economics Growth, Vol 2B, Ch. 1, pp. 515-56.

Bloom, N., Van Reenen, J., and Williams, H., 2019, ‘A Toolkit of Policies to Promote Innovation’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33, pp. 163-184

Hall, B., 2019, Tax policy for innovation, NBER Working Paper, WP No. 25773, Cambridge Mass.

Konig, M, Storesletten, K., Song, Z. and F. Zilibotti, 2022, ‘From imitation to innovation: Where is all that Chinese R&D going?’, Econometrica, Vol 90, 4, pp. 1615-54 (Technical paper but with lots of interesting details that you can use)

Mankiw, G, 2020, Macroeconomics, 11th edition, Macmillan ch. 9,10

Wei, S-J, Xie, Z. and X. Zhang, 2017, From “Made in China” to “Innovated in China”: Necessity, prospect, and challenges, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31, pp. 49–70

Module Learning Outcomes:

1.       Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of China’s recent economic and historical development;

2.       Apply economic concepts and principles to explain the characteristics of China’s economic transition, economic development, and its role in the world economy;