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General Psychology 1


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General Psychology 1-

Lecture Hours: 54.000
Total Student Learning Hours: 54.000
Units: 3.00
Grading Methods: Letter Grade

Course Description: Historical and philosophical antecedents of contemporary psychology; the scientific study of behavior as systemized in learning, motivation, emotion, personality, intelligence, and thought. 54 hours lecture.

Prerequisite: None

Course Credit Recommendation: Degree Credit

Required Text

King, L. (2019). The Science of Psychology An Appreciative View. 5th McGraw Hill.

American Psychological Association (7thed). (2019). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following skills:

1. 1. distinguish the unique characteristics of the discipline of psychology

2. 2. define the psychological concepts of behavior and cognition

3. 3. apply the methods of psychological research and analysis, giving attention to the strategies of psychological methods and to the significance of the scientific approach for formulating and testing hypotheses

4. 4. discuss the dynamic nature of psychology, and identify forces that lead to psychological changes

5. 5. discuss the value of psychological perspectives and methods for addressing and understanding personal and societal problems.

Course Content:

1. The Discipline of Psychology

2. The Scientific Basis of Psychology

3. The Biological Basis of Psychology

4. Altered States of Consciousness

5. Cognitive Processes

6. Intelligence

7. Emotion and Motivation

8. Development of the Self

9. Psychological Problems, Disorders and Treatment

10. The Person in Social Context

Methods of Instruction:

Methods of instruction used to achieve student learning outcomes may include, but are not limited to, the following activities:

· class lectures, discussions, and demonstrations in order to explain psychological concepts and allow students the opportunity to respond to them and relate them to their own knowledge and personal experiences

· videos, films, and slides in order to illustrate research methods, to present examples of psychological concepts, and to examine atypical behaviors (e.g., catatonic schizophrenia) that may be subtle and difficult for those unfamiliar to psychology to describe or conceive

· pair, small group, and class exercises, such as simulations that allow students to discover the meaning of psychological concepts (e.g., fundamental attribution error and person perception) and experience them in a classroom environment

· instructor generated handouts that help students acquire and organize information in assigned readings and in classroom presentations (e.g., study guides, outlines, and video guides), and that provide students with guidelines necessary for interpretation of psychological concepts

· web-based/web-enhanced/online activities in order to present key psychological concepts and to supplement and enrich those presented during class or in texts

Methods of Evaluation:

Students will be evaluated for progress in and/or mastery of student learning outcomes using methods of evaluation which may include, but are not limited to, the following activities:

· There are no quizzes and examinations designed to determine knowledge of psychological terminology and concepts and demonstrate their application to psychological. Every week there were will two discussion board questions that need to addressed with at least two thoroughly explained paragraphs about the topic presented. Each discussion is worth 10 points.

· There are essays, reports, posters, diagrams, and research papers designed to demonstrate knowledge and application of methods of psychological research. There will be two mid-terms that are considered literature reviews worth 150 points each, during those weeks that will be on the only assignment due.

· Short assessment tools (e.g., cognitive maps, summary statements, graphic organizers, video questions) that verify and assess individual, pair, and group participation in classroom activities designed to identify psychological examples and the application of psychological perspectives. Each week a teach the class is due where you will pick any two pages from the chapter and create a 2 page power point presentation highlighting the most important information you learned in those two pages. This assignment is worth 20 points each and due at the end of every week.

· A final examination that assesses mastery of basic concepts of the course, the ability to interpret psychological information, and the ability to apply psychological perspectives to personal and societal situations and problems.

· Out of class assignment Observation. In this assignment you will need to do something you have never done before (no drugs, harm to self or harm to others) and share how this experience resonated with a topic you learned in class in a 2 page personal essay worth 160 points. Due the week before the final.

·  The final consists of finding 4 topics that resonated with you the most throughout the explaining how these concept impacted your knowledge about psychology and life in a power point presentation. There will be a 3 page paper that will accommodate the presentation explaining why these topics resonated with you impacting your knowledge about psychology and personal life. Worth 200 points.

· 8/20-8/26     Week 1         Welcome Ice-Breaker-             No assignments due 0 points

· 8/27-9/2       Week 2   Why Psychology Chapter 1        TC1             Discussion  40 points

· 9/3-9/9         Week 3    Chp 2 terms, Birth Order, TC2              Discussion  40 points

· 9/10- 9/16    Week 4   Chap3 Terms, Psycho, TC3                  Discussion 40 points 

· 9/17-9/23      Week5    Journal Art, Term chp 4, TC4          Discussion 40 points

· 9/24/22 -9/30 Week 6              Mid-Term                                          150 points 

· 10/1-10/7       Week 7   Terms chp5, Social Learning, TC5     Discussion 40 points

· 10/8-10/14     Week 8  Term chp6, Conditioning, TC6            Discussion 40 points

· 10/15-10/21    Week 9   Term chp7-8 Young Adults, TC7      Discussion 40 points

· 10/22-10/28    Week 10     Emotions, chp 9-10, TC8             Discussion 40 points      

· 10/29-11/4       Week 11    Terms chp11, Archetypes, TC9      Discussion 40 points

· 11/5-11/11       Week  12   Term chpt12, therapies  TC 10       Discussion 40 points

·  11/12-11/18     Week 13         Mid-Term 2                                               150 points

· 1/19-11/25     Week 14   Thanksgiving Break

· 11/26-12/2      Week 15  Chp 13-14, Cognitive Dissonance  TC11    Discussion 40 points

·  12/3-12/9     Week 16    Chp15-16  Observation TC12(20 points)                160 points

· 12/10-12/16        Week 17         Turn in Final                                               200 points

Grading Scales

A= 1100-990




F=659 and below