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BUSMGT 713 Financial Reporting and Control Assignment


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BUSMGT 713 Financial Reporting and Control Assignment

Due date/time: 11.59 pm NZT on Friday, 23 Feb 2023.

Submission Instructions: Submit your report and all Excel spreadsheets to Canvas.

Weighting: This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade, consisting of 5% for the ratio calculations and 15% for the report.

This assignment links to the following learning outcomes:

LO3: analyse the key components of annual reports, write a report, and justify recommendations.

And helps to develop these Graduate Attributes:

1.Disciplinary knowledge and practice

3. Solution seeking

4b. Communication (Written)

5. Independence


1.    Use the 2021, 2022 and 2023 Annual Reports for The Warehouse Group to calculate/find the ratios as given on the Formula Sheet to The Warehouse Group. Copies of the Annual  Reports and Formula Sheet are provided on Canvas under the Assignment Module.

The calculations for each of the three years must be clearly shown in the Ratio

Calculation Template spreadsheet. Also, the formulae you use to calculate the ratios must be clearly shown in the spreadsheet. If the numbers you use are not from the face of the

financial statements, you should provide footnotes in the spreadsheet to clarify the sources of the numbers you use or show how you calculated the numbers.

A suggested ratio calculation template is provided for you to use on Canvas under the Assignment Module. Please read the notes in the template.

2.    Write a detailed report to a potential investor evaluating whether you believe The

Warehouse would be a good investment. In your report, utilise the calculated ratios and/or other techniques from Week 6’s classes and other information you think is important in the 2021, 2022, and 2023 Annual Reports or from other additional sources for The Warehouse. The other information should be no more than three key points.

3.    Please refer to the BUSMGT 713 Assignment Rubric document when you are writing

the report. The Rubric is the marking guidance used by markers.

Divide your report into three sections:

1)    Introduction;

2) Analysis of the profitability, efficiency, liquidity, gearing, and investment across the financial years from 2021 to 2023, if you think they are applicable to The Warehouse;  and other information that influenced your investment decision.

The reason that other information should be considered is that the annual reports are

outdated (the mostrecent annual report of 2023 includes information only up to July

2023), lack of comparisons with The Warehouse’s competitors in the same industry, and lack of information of the economic environment.

3) Your recommendations and conclusions.

4.    Your assignment is to be NO MORE than 1,500 words (+/- 10%) EXCLUDING the

cover page, references or any spreadsheets you prepare. If an assignment exceeds the

word limit, then only the first 1,500 words (+ 10%) of the assignment will be marked.

Given the word limit, you should carefully choose the information that is most useful and relevant for investment decision-making to present in your report.

5.    Please upload your ratio calculations (Excel spreadsheet) and your report (PDF or word document) into different sections under the Assignment Module on Canvas. You should refer to the calculated ratios in your report. You should also consider summarising key

ratios from the Excel spreadsheet into the body of the report, using either graphs or other visualisations, to illustrate important points.

6.    Acknowledge whether and how you use ChatGPT (or other similar generative artificial intelligence) in assisting your assignment work. Please note that there will be similarity detection between your report and multiple reports and answers generated by these AI   tools. It is important to consult Business Communication lecturers on how to use

ChatGPT (or other similar generative artificial intelligence) for this assignment appropriately.

7.    This is an individual assignment and must be your own work. Make sure you have referenced all your sources correctly using APA7.

You are highly encouraged to submit your draft report to the Business Communications for feedback by 12:00 midday NZT Wednesday 21 February 2024.