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ST625 Data Assignment


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ST625 Data Assignment


Each student is required to submit a report (PDF file) with data analysis results and your interpretations to BB by 11:59 PM Oct 31st.

Dataset is available on BB.


Customer Personality Analysis is a detailed analysis of a company’s ideal customers. It helps a business to better understand its customers and makes it easier for them to modify products according to the specific needs, behaviors and concerns of different types of customers.

Customer personality analysis helps a business to modify its product based on its target customers from different types of customer segments. For example, instead of spending money to market a new product to every customer in the company’s database, a company can analyze which customer segment is most likely to buy the product and then market the product only on that particular segment.

More details about the dataset can be found at this link https://www.kaggle.com/imakash3011/customer-personality-analysis

Please list at least three questions that you are interested in based on this data set and answer your questions by conducting data analysis in RStudio using the statistical tools we have learned in class.

Potential topics or questions:

1. Exploratory data analysis and visualization

2. What attributes affect the amount spent on wine and how?

3. What attributes affect the amount spent on sweets and how?

4. What are the differences between the two fitted models in questions 2 and 3?

5. What attributes affect the number of purchases made directly in stores and how?