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Introduction to Sociology Spring 2024


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Introduction to Sociology

Spring 2024

Reading Memo Template

1. In your own words, and in not more than two sentences, identify one key claim that, in your view, is of particular importance, significance, and/or relevance to the specific topic of the week.

2. In no more than a few sentences, briefly describe your preexisting assumptions/beliefs about the topic, or the specific issue addressed in the reading.

3. In no more than a few sentences, briefly describe exactly how the claim you have identified either: A). Contradicts; or B). Confirms; or C). Complicates your preexisting assumptions.

4. Supply a direct quotation (not a paraphrase) from the reading itself that in your view best articulates/captures/reflects the author's statement of the claim (specific arguable assertion) you identified in Question #1. Here, make sure the author's quoted statement of the claim matches your statement of the claim.

5. Draft one question you’d like to have more satisfactorily resolved as it specifically pertains to the specific claim (as identified in Questions 1 and 4 above). That is, identify one specific aspect of the claim you either take issue with, or think needs further clarification and explanation. Here, the following requirements apply: A). The question must be addressed the specific author’s claim itself, not the general topic; B). The question must not invite yes/no, either/or, or true/false answers; C). The question must not ask about aspects of the claim the reading itself already clearly answers. Reminder: Avoid "What is to be done?" or "How do we fix the problem?" questions, unless it is addressed to the specific arguable assertion you identified in Questions 1 and 4 above.