关键词 > CEGE0088



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CEGE0088 -


The Problem

Working in groups of 3, you must devise either an optimal site selection and/or a network analysis problem, and then design a GIS system that will allow you to carry out the necessary analyses to solve your problem. It is highly recommended that your chosen project should be in the UK (for data access and availability reasons), however you may choose another region if you can source all the information that you require.

This coursework replicates a preliminary desktop GIS study the purpose of which is to produce the initial geodesign for a project before full analysis is carried out in a later stage of a project.

You are responsible for:

1.  Identifying and defining the problem;

2.  Selecting realistic criteria;

3.  Sourcing the data (working from Edina as the starting point);

4.  Designing and testing a sound GIS methodology for carrying out the required analysis; 5.  Producing a report of your findings, including maps of results.

*Please note: no group is permitted to select a project already studied as part of a challenge or scenario.*


The coursework submission is a report that must include the following:

•    Description of the Problem Chosen, including the rationale behind the project;

•    A list of the Criteria against which your analysis will be carried out. Each criterion

should be robustly justified with references to relevant literature, case studies (precedence) and/or legislation to justify its inclusion and relevance to the project. If you are weighting your criteria, these weightings must also be justified;

•    A list of the Datasets required and discussion that includes: where they can be sourced from and a discussion of any issues surrounding their acquisition (e.g. Are they freely available? Can they be used in their raw state or is further transformation required by the GIS team before they can be used in the analysis? How easy are they to use? How reliable are they? etc.). Please see the document UCL Geomatics GIS software and data sources guide uploaded to Moodleto help with this.

•    An ArcGIS Pro Methodology for running the analysis required. Please note that to pass this coursework, you are not necessarily expected to carry out a full/spatial network analysis, but your GIS methodology should include your own GIS-based analysis of at least 4 different criteria from the list that you have identified in the Criteria section.

•    Discussion of Results obtained at this stage and critical analysis and reflection on how the whole project methodology could be improved going forward. The discussion should also include any further filtering, refinement of results etc. that are required in order to complete the analysis.

•    Maps showing the final results of your analyses and intermediary stages where appropriate;

•    A tabulated, agreed mark distribution for each member of the group, signed by all group members (e.g. Group Mark = 70, James should get 100%, Laura 100%, Matthew 100% and Sarah 80% of that mark). This is for the project as a whole. This is to be agreed by the whole group (and with the task leader where necessary) before the final submission. Mark agreements will not be determined after submission.


This group coursework project constitutes 25% of the final mark awarded for the CEGE0088  Design and Professional Skills II module. Coursework should be submitted by 9am Monday  19th  February 2024.  A single-document report should be uploaded through Moodle. Only a electronic submission is required, only one person from the group needs to submit. There is no page limit but  teams should be mindful to write clearly and succinctly.

Standard UCL Late Penalties will apply. Please remind Liz if you have a SoRA in place and wish to accept the mitigation outlined therein.

The detailed marking guide for the project and two examples of previous projects have been uploaded to Moodle for your information.

Other past projects include:

•     Relocating Stanford Bridge football stadium

•     Optimal routes to return to Halls after a night out at ULU

•     Locating new public toilets in central London

•     Locating a new theme park in the UK

•     Site selection for a UK spaceport.


For 2023-24 the teams will be created based on the outcomes of the Practical 1 in-class exercise, and they will be published during w/c 11th December 2023.


Two GIS practicals are available on Moodle:

1.   Spatial Analyst Tutorial: Locating the optimal site for a new school

2.   Network Analyst Tutorial: Analysing Food Networks & Georeferencing Image Data

Successfully completing the 2 practicals will stand you in good stead for the analysis required in the coursework assignment.

On Tuesday 12th  December there will be an additional 2 hour lecture on Cartographic Design Principles & Coursework discussion, with Liz Jones, to run through any questions you have about this coursework brief and the marking guide.


To receive help for the class exercises, you must attend class. To receive coursework support from Liz and Pippa, each team must complete all practicals and upload the resultant map(s) through the relevant Moodle links.

Please post any questions through the dedicated forum on Moodle so that all relevant module staff can help with any issues arising. Please note that queries received by email (and not through this forum), will not be answered.

Support will be available from Liz and Pippa until 5pm on Thursday 21st December, and from 9amon 3rd January 2024.

If you want initial project feedback, each group may submit an initial project proposal via Moodle by 5pm on Tuesday 20th December for pre-Christmas formative feedback. Please submit a document that outlines the following:

What is the problem you are trying to solve?

What are the needs and constraints of your


What data do you need to model your scenario and solve your problem?

And where will you obtain each piece of data?

What analyses will you carryout to solve your problem?

What are your proposed outputs?

Late Penalties

Will be applied in accordance with general UCL regulations.


If you are experiencing difficulties that mean you are unable to submit your work on time, and if these difficulties are grounds for Extenuating Circumstances, an extension may be granted by the Departmental Extenuating Circumstances Panel (DECP). Please refer to the UCL Academic

Manual and/or the Departmental Handbooks on Moodle for further information. Please remind Liz if you have a SoRA in place.


Students are expected to demonstrate that they have set in context their analyses and choice of criteria through reference to additional literature. All work that is not your own MUST be referenced according to UCL’s guidance on plagiarism. This includes websites, online journals and the work of your classmates, e.g. previous GIS methodologies.

Every year at least one group copies the work of a project from a previous cohort.

Now that you are in Year 2, the consequences of plagiarism can be very severe. At the very least, any report where (any degree of) plagiarism is identified, will receive a zero mark.