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CIVE 2320 – Structural Analysis – Spring 2021 Practice Exam for Midterm 1


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CIVE 2320 – Structural Analysis – Spring 2021

Practice Exam for Midterm 1

1. a) Find the normal stress at point “a” in the section that has the maximum moment.

b) Find the orientation of the Neutral Axis and show it on the figure.

The moments of inertias based on centroidal axes x-y are Ix = 118.11 in4 and Iy = 27.39 in4

2. Find the maximum shear stress in the beam in the cross section at location 1-1. (The shear stress can be expressed as a number divided by the inertia I – no need to compute I)

3. Locate the shear center. (Make sure to show the location of the shear center in a sketch)

4. The stress at a point in a material that is subjected to plain stress is as shown in the figure

a) Draw the element that has the principal stresses.

b) Draw the element that has the maximum shear stress.

c) Draw the element corresponding to 30-degree counterclockwise rotation.

Make sure that all your drawings have orientation in the sketch in part a , b and c.

d) Find the strain in z direction (z is perpendicular to the element) using E=10,000 psi and v = 0.2

5. Calculate the maximum moment that can be applied as controlled by the buckling of the column. (E=10,000 psi) (The brace restricts buckling in the weak direction)