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EEEE4112- Power Systems for Aerospace, Marine and Automotive Applications


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EEEE4112- Power Systems for Aerospace, Marine and Automotive Applications

From More-Electric Aircraft to Net Zero Aviation

Maximum: 5000 words, 10 pages (excluding references)

Note: Figures, tables, etc., are allowed in the essay.

Please use the template for your essay.

I. Introduction (10%)

In this section, you should cover the following questions:

a. What is more-electric aircraft (MEA) and what are the benefits of MEA compared with conventional aircraft (5%)

b. General description of the difference between Conventional aircraft & more-electric aircraft (5%)

Note: Please list at least two key references you used. These references should be clearly cited in the essay.

II. Using Actuation systems as an example and comparing actuation system on conventional aircraft and More-Electric Aircraft (40%)

In this section, you may focus on actuation systems and discuss the difference between conventional aircraft & more-electric aircraft.

- Detailed discussion of the actuation systems in conventional aircraft (10%)

- Detailed discussion of the actuation systems in more-electric aircraft (10%)

- Discussion of advantages of the technology used in more-electric aircraft (10%)

- List two key references you used and give a shot summary (4-5 sentences) of these two references (10%)

Note: Diagrams and figures are expected to be used in this section to explain different actuators concepts (example)

"Flying cars and eVTOLs - Technological advancements, Powertrain Architectures and Design" [7]

This paper discusses the current trends and technologies of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) flight mechanisms and how electrical flying cars could be the future to reduce greenhouse gases emissions.  This is done by analysing different powertrain architectures with VTOL capability using a hybrid system consisting of dual power sources such as fuel cells and batteries.  Furthermore, this paper discusses technologies of powertrain components such as electric motors and power converters.

III.Hybrid/Electric aircraft (40%)

In this section, you should discuss and review the recently developed hybrid/electric aircraft.

- Hybrid/electric aircraft concept and why it has become a major trend (10%)

- Key technology enablers and challenges of hybrid/electric aircraft (10%)

- A case study of recently developed hybrid aircraft (10%)

- List two key references you used and give a shot summary (4-5 sentences) of these two references (10%)

"A Comparison of Electric Vehicle Power Systems to Predict Architectures, Voltage Levels, Power Requirements, and Load Characteristics of the Future All-Electric Aircraft" [8]

This paper tries to predict future developments of all-electric aircrafts by analysing electric power systems in current all-electric vehicles, ships, and aircrafts. It is concluded that the main limitations preventing the transition to all-electric aircrafts is current batteries and propulsion system of aircrafts. Nevertheless, it is discussed how lithium-air batteries are promising in closing the energy density gap between gasoline and batteries. This paper also mentions how some recent advancements in small-scale electric aircrafts, which are promising for the future of hybridization in the aircraft industry. As the battery technology continues to develop, these new advancements could possibly be adapted to bigger aircrafts.

IV.Conclusion (5%)

To summarise the essay and share your vision of future aircraft.

V. References (5%)

List your references here.

Your references will be evaluated in terms of both quantity and quality.

Do not use Wikipedia!

[1]   B. K. Bose, "Global Energy Scenario and Impact of Power Electronics in 21st Century," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 60, pp. 2638-2651, 2013.

[2]   I. Moir, Aircraft systems: Mechanical, electrical, and avionics subsystems 2008.


[4] J. Benzaquen, J. He and B. Mirafzal, "Toward more electric powertrains in aircraft: Technical challenges and advancements," in CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 177-193, Sept. 2021, doi: 10.30941/CESTEMS.2021.00022.

[5]   J. B. Bartolo, M. Degano, J. Espina, and C. Gerada, "Design and Initial Testing of a High Speed 45 kW Switched Reluctance Drive for Aerospace Application," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. PP, pp. 1-1, 2016.
