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PSY205 Research Assignment #1 Worksheet


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Research Assignment #1 Worksheet


Instructions: Write your answers directly into this worksheet. Then, save your work as a Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF (.pdf) before submitting the completed worksheet along with your highlighted article to your Recitation Blackboard page.


1. Cite this literature review article in proper APA citation format. (Not sure? See Purdue OWL's APA formatting site). Your citation must include the author(s), year of publication, title of the article, title of the journal, journal volume, issue number, and page numbers. The typical format for a scientific journal article is:

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume number (Issue number), Pages.

2. What is the authors’ main purpose in conducting this literature review? In your own words, briefly summarize why the authors reviewed the literature on this topic. Who might want to know about this topic? Why?

3. What are the major themes outlined in this review article? In your own words, briefly describe at least one and no more than three main themes or major conclusions the authors identified in relation to this topic. It may be helpful to pay attention to how the authors divide up their review (e.g., subheadings they use to outline the important sections).

4. What is the next step in research on this area? In your own words, briefly summarize at least one future direction proposed by the authors. What do they think the most important next steps are in this research area? What do psychologists not yet know?

5. Briefly describe what else you want to know about this research topic. After reading this literature review article, what questions do you still have? What might you want to explore further in your own research project this semester?