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IMAT3104 Database Management and Programming


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Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Media Coursework Brief 2023/24

Module name:

Database Management and Programming

Module code:


Title of the Assignment:

NoSQL Coursework

This coursework item is: (delete as appropriate)


This  summative  coursework  will  be  marked  anonymously:  (delete  as



The learning outcomes that are assessed by this coursework are:

1.    produce a data model that accurately reflects a complex business scenario

2.    program  a  NoSQL  database  to  store,  manipulate,  and  retrieve  data  and  perform  aggregation


This coursework is: (delete as appropriate)


If other or mixed ... explain here: N/A

This coursework constitutes 50 % of the overall module mark.

Date Set:

13th  February 2024

Date & Time Due:

13th  May 2024 at Noon

Your marked coursework and feedback will be available to you on:

If for any reason this is not forthcoming by the due date your module leader will let you know why and when it can be expected. The Associate Professor     Student     Experience      ([email protected]) should  be  informed  of  any   issues  relating  to  the  return  of  marked coursework and feedback.

Note that you should normally receive feedback on your coursework by no later than 20 University working days after the formal hand-in date, if you have met the submission deadline.

10  working  days

after submission

When completed you are required to submit your coursework via:

•    Upload electronic copy to Blackboard via Turnitin

If you need any support or advice on completing this coursework, please visit the Student Matterstab

on the Faculty of Technology Blackboard page.

Tasks to be undertaken:

Here is a summary of the tasks for this coursework:

1.    Personalise and load data in collections

2.    Query the collections

3.    Implement and Explain Index for the database

4.    Re-design the database

5.    Weekly Journals

Deliverables to be submitted for assessment:

1.    You are required to upload your answers to the questions into LearningZone as one file (PDF


2.    All questions and answers must be labelled with section number and where necessary, the

question number

3.    Add your P number to your filename. Your file must be in a readable format so the NoSQL code

in plaintext can be copied and executed from it (in PDF format).

How the work will be marked:

1.    Mark totals are shown alongside each question. Your tutor will need to able to execute

your NoSQL code in MongoDB to check for correctness.

2.    Marks  will  be  awarded  for  correctness  and  presentation.  Marks  will  typically  be

deducted if information is erroneous, missing, irrelevant or difficult to ascertain.

3.    Marks can also be deducted if the answer is particularly inefficient. Therefore, partial

marks are available if an answer is partially corrector partially presented.

4.    There is often more than one way to answer a question and so it is possible to gain full marks for an answer even if it is different from the markers' specimen set of


5.    However, if these answers  do not follow the examples and exercises taught on the module  they  may  be  inferior  in  some  way  and  so  consequently  marks  may  be

deducted. Note that some questions hint at the most appropriate method to use.

6.    Read the full specification enclosed below for the details.