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Graded Homework 1


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Graded Homework 1

For this assignment, you will be asked to simulate a system in MATLAB. In other words, you will solve  differential equations by computer rather than by hand. This is not meant to be difficult, but to give you a taste of something practical outside of the classroom. I have chosen MATLAB because I find it to be easiest and common in engineering. If you have an intense desire to complete this assignment in a software or programming language other than MATLAB, let me know.


As an NYU student, you can install MATLAB for free at


An installation of MATLAB also includes the easy-to-use simulation tool Simulink.


If you run the above command in MATLAB, it will open up a simulation of a bouncing ball in Simulink. [https://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/slref/simulation-of-a-bouncing-ball.html]

This example illustrates the solution of a second-order differential equation with constant coefficients and discontinuous (or hybrid) dynamics. The second-order differential equation is due to the system dynamics of free fall governed by Newton’s second law and the discontinuous dynamics arise from ground collision.

Other resources for your reference:

Simulink On-ramp:https://matlabacademy.mathworks.com/details/simulink-onramp/simulink

MATLAB On-ramp:https://matlabacademy.mathworks.com/details/matlab-onramp/gettingstarted

Problem Statement:

A handball of mass 0.065 kg is dropped from rest at a height of 25 m. The magnitude of the force of air resistance on the handball is 2/1 Cd ρAv2 , where the drag coefficient Cd = 0.47 (for a sphere), density of air ρ =  1.293 kg/m3, cross-sectional area A = 0.025 m2, and v is the velocity. Note that the direction of air resistance is always opposite the motion of the handball. The acceleration due to gravityg = 9.81     m/s2 and the coefficient of restitution κ = 0.9.


Write a brief* typeset report with the following elements:

.    The equation of motion of the falling handball with air resistance. Show your derivation of the differential equation.

.    Show the implementation of your simulation based on that differential equation in Simulink

o Include a figure of the Simulink block diagram as well as a written description of what you did.

o You do not need to submit Simulink code.

.    Show your results.

o Include a plot comparing the handball trajectories with air resistance versus without air resistance. Include as many bounces as necessary to show a visible difference between the trajectories with and without air resistance.

o Remark on any observations you notice.

Brief means brief! As long as you include all of the above elements, you will receive full credit for your submission. This can all fit within 1-2 pages.