关键词 > HTML/CSS/JavaScript

Project 0: Standard Website


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Project 0: Standard Website

In this assignment you will make a website using only html, css, and JavaScript. You will not have any backend to the website, it will be entirely frontend.

The website should be a polished product (more so than the labs) and should  make sense as a website (it should not obviously be a class project). This means the pages of the website should have some sort of connection to each other, rather than  being a random mismatch of web pages.

Additionally, you must have some JavaScript on at least one of the pages, the JavaScript should do something. This could be running a game, or shifting the page  layout, or some other use that has a clear effect.

We will not be hosting the website anywhere, it will simply be run locally on our devices, but you are free to host it later on if you would like to.


Your project must make use of all of the following

   HTML and CSS

■   Use proper document structure, proper semantic use of HTML tags, both HTML and CSS validate.

   Web page structure

■   Your web page should be structured correctly. This means all of

your css files should be a folder called css, all of your javascript files should be in a folder called js, all of your images should be in a folder called images or media, or something else with a reasonable name like that. Web pages should be in the root folder with reasonable file names.


■   All JavaScript must validate

■   Good coding conventions (e.g. reasonable white space, comment when needed, using good variable names)


Submit all your files in a compressed zip file named project0.zip. Include a README explaining your project. It should say what the purpose of the website is and any notable details.

Example Ideas:

Here are some examples of websites to give you some ideas. Using any of these is acceptable, but you are also encouraged to come up with your own ideas. If you have any questions please feel free to discuss your idea with the professor or a TA.

Personal Website

Make a website advertising you! Pages can be a home page, projects you’ve worked on, a resume, information about you, hobbies, etc.

This could be made to be informal (just sharing information about yourself), or professional (essentially advertising yourself to potential employers).

Informational Website

A website that provides information on a topic. It should make use of the multiple pages to break up content and add in some interactivity, hopefully helping with the teaching process.

An Organization’s Website

A website for a real or made up organization. Pages could be a home page, information about the organization, goals, information about contacting, etc.