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Paper 1


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Paper 1

50 points

For this assignment, you will be analyzing the communication in a conversation among characters in an assigned television show/episode. Your goal is to show how specific course concepts are operating in the conversation and to make a case for the importance of those concepts for the interaction, the characters, and/or their relationship.

Other important considerations:

· 5 - 5.5 pgs. of text (not including title pg. or References pg.)

· APA formatting (title pg., in-text citations, and References pg.)

· Entire paper should be written using third-person language (no I language please J)

· Research should come from the course textbook). Please do not cite lecture or Nikki/your TA.

· Your paper should include the following sections listed below:

o Introduction w/ thesis – no header needed, simply start the paper

o Verbal Concepts

o Nonverbal Concepts

o Conclusion

Step 1:

Watch the television episode that your TA has assigned and select one interaction within the episode that you would like to focus your paper on (focus on a dyadic conversation – between two characters).

Step 2:

Identify, define, and provide evidence for two important language concepts that are operating within the interaction.

Language concepts: Choose from these (covered in Chp. 4). Please note that each letter counts as one concept (so, using both hate speech and microaggressions does not count as two concepts). If you choose letter a or b, it is okay to mention the other word (i.e., if you choose connotative language, you can speak about the differences with denotative language, but this will only count as one concept.)

a. Denotative meaning, connotative meaning

b. Semantics, pragmatics

c. Euphemisms

d. Evasion

e. Equivocation

f. Code switching

g. High language or low language

h. Slang

i. Hate speech, microaggressions, labeling, or biased language

Step 3:

Identify, define, and provide evidence for two important nonverbal concepts that are operating within the interaction.

Nonverbal concepts: Choose from these (covered in Chp. 5). Please note that each letter counts as one concept (so, using both pitch and tone does not count as two concepts).

j. Paralanguage – tone, volume

k. Appearance

l. Proxemics

m. Kinesics – illustrators, emblems, affect display

n.  Masking

o. Oculesics

p. Haptics

q. Chronemics

If there is another language or nonverbal concept that you would like to explore that is not listed, please include both Nikki and your TA in an email to make this request. J

Step 4:

Explain how the language and nonverbal concepts that you’ve discussed are operating together to produce some important outcomes for the interaction and characters (e.g., on their lives, relationships, goals, etc.). You should be answering the following question: What is this specific combination of verbal and nonverbal language doing or creating for the interaction/characters/relationship?

Paper Organization

(please note these are simply suggestions)

Introduction (1/2 – 2/3 pg.)

Introduce the interaction in the show that you are analyzing and provide a thesis statement. Your thesis may be a few sentences long as you briefly introduce each of the concepts and explain what they are doing for the interaction (linking them each to the larger interaction goal).

Verbal Concepts (1.5 – 2 pgs.)

This section should identify, define, and provide evidence for two verbal concepts within the interaction selected. Once both are introduced and defined, summarize what the verbal language is doing for the interaction. Transition to nonverbal language. *Please note that concepts should be defined using the textbook and cited in APA formatting. *

Nonverbal Concepts (1.5 -2 pgs.)

This section should identify, define, and provide evidence for two nonverbal concepts within the interaction selected. Once both are introduced and defined, summarize what the nonverbal language is doing for the interaction. Transition to explaining how the verbal and nonverbal concepts are functioning together in the interaction to serve a specific purpose. *Please note that concepts should be defined using the textbook and cited in APA formatting. *

Conclusion (1/2 – 2/3pg.)

In your paper, you should be building toward slowly sensemaking (in great detail) your thesis (stated in the beginning). So, you will need to do some tying together of your concepts as you move the paper along (i.e., provide good transitions between concepts; note important connections between a verbal and nonverbal concept that occurred simultaneously, etc.). But you will also need to give some separate space (the conclusion) to pull your four concepts all together and discuss how the different concepts work together, in order to draw your more complex conclusion. Hence, the conclusion should clearly explain what the two verbal and nonverbal concepts do for the interaction/characters/relationship.

Be mindful: Your own opinion is not enough for this paper – use appropriate textbook material (citing the text) to define course concepts and support your claims, as well as give concrete examples from the specific interaction. You need to demonstrate to the reader that you know what the concept is, that it is going on in the interaction, and that it matters for the characters in some important way. J

Turning in Papers: Please submit your paper on Canvas by the due date and time as either a Word of PDF document. Emailed versions of papers are not acceptable. Late papers will be penalized 5 points per day. Always keep a file/copy of your paper for your records and remember that it is your responsibility to upload a proper version of your paper so that your TA receives your paper. J

Academic Honesty: Plagiarism will result minimally in a zero grade, so please remember to properly cite your sources. In addition, do not “borrow” from another student’s paper, new or old. Even if you change some specific words, you are plagiarizing and will receive a zero.

Support & Resources

Your TA will devote time in section to helping you understand and do well on the assignment, so it is important to attend section to get this vital information. You are also encouraged to see your TA or Nikki in office hours. When you come, it is a good idea to have with you your outline or some notes you’ve made about which potential issues you are considering using. You may also get writing help from Campus Learning Assistance Services (CLAS), although please note that CLAS tutors, while helpful with general writing skills, usually do not know the specific course material nor our level of our expectations for these papers.

RE rough drafts: You may bring a rough draft to your TA’s or Nikki’s office hours, and you may ask questions about any part of your draft or outline. But you must choose only a few sentences of your actual draft to have us go over with you in detail for writing style and/or content issues. We will not read the entire draft and give you comments. This is because a) any general comments we make would be misleading to you (i.e., you’d think you’re “on the right track” or just need just a few changes, but then might still end up with a lower grade than expected), and b) making more detailed comments throughout the paper would be editing your paper for you, which is not equitable to other students, and is your job as author. So, ASK about ANY part of your outline or draft, but choose a small portion for detailed writing help. Then you can take what you have learned from how we constructed those few sentences and edit/fix the rest of your paper on your own. J