关键词 > Programming

Elements of Programming


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Elements of Programming


Recall that in an interactive Python session, you type some Python code after the prompt, >>>. The Python interpreter reads and executes what you type, carrying out your various commands. You will employ your Python interpreter to describe your understanding of some very basic programmig elements.


This first assignment will focus on your understanding of ideas that are fundamental to Computer Science and programming languages. Make sure that you have already installed a Python IDE on your computer before you begin this assignment.

According to our course text, when we describe a language, we should pay particular attention to the means that the language provides for combining simple ideas to form more complex ideas. Every powerful language has three such mechanisms:

primitive expressions and statements, which represent the simplest building blocks that the language provides,

means of combination, by which compound elements are built from simpler ones, and

means of abstraction, by which compound elements can be named and manipulated as units.

Your assignment is to describe, in your own words, what each these "mechanisms" mean with respect to the Python programming language. Be sure to support your conclusions by devising and inserting some relevant interactive Python sessions (different from those in the text) that you have executed with your Python interpreter into your document. You should submit this assignment as a Word file or, if you prefer, as a PDF.


This assignment is worth 10 points and will be graded using the attached grading rubric.

This assignment is due on or before: Tuesday, September 6.

Helpful Resources

None other than your Python IDE and sections 1.1 and 1.2 of the course text.