关键词 > OperatingSystems

Operating Systems Spring 2024


Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: daixieit

Course Information

Course Title: Operating Systems

Semester: Spring 2024

Course Rationale

The operating system is the main software piece in any computing system. It is a sophisticated piece of software that manages the interactions between the running programs and the computing resources like computing power, storage, I/O devices, etc. Understanding how the OS works for different systems is crucial for any computer scientist. By knowing how OS is designed and how it works, you will be able to reason about the performance of your own program and to reason about the performance of the whole machine.


After this course you should understand the following key operating system concepts:

• Processes

• Processes Scheduling

• Deadlocks detection and avoidance

• Concurrency & Threads

• Locks and the need for mutual exclusion

• Memory management

• I/O and file systems

Basically, you will be able to build a simple OS, or at least several OS modules, after this course.

Course Plan

• What is an OS?

• Components of an OS

• Processes: definition

• Processes: states

• Processes: scheduling

• Deadlocks detection and avoidance

• Threads and their relationship to processes

• Concurrency

• Mutual execution

• Memory management

• I/O

• File systems

Required Text

Required (free on the web)

Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces

By Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau

ISBN: 9781985086593

Course Structure

• This course will have about three homework assignments and three programming assignments.

• There is a midterm exam.

• There is a final exam.

• The programming assignments will be done using parallel programming language on top of Cunder Linux. You can access Linux machines using your CIMS account, as will be shown in class.


Information in this section can include:

● A breakdown of grades:

Homework         10%

Labs                  30%

Midterm             25%

Final                  35%

● Grades will be posted on the gradebook of Brightspace.

● Late submission: -10% for each day of late submission, for homework and programming assignments, for up to three days. You have 59 minutes grace period after the assignment deadline. After that, late policy is enforced. That is, after one hour late, the assignment is viewed one day late.

● You can submit your assignment as many times as you want till the deadline. We will grade the last version submitted.

● After getting the grade, you have one week to argue about the grade. First, contact your assigned grader. If the issue is not resolved, bring it to me.


● All lectures will be recorded and can be accessed from the course Brightspace page.

● The instructor will respond to all email/contact inquiries within 24 hours during the week.

● We will do our best to give you the grades of the assignments within one week of submission.

● With the grades, you will get comments on where points are lost.

● For homework assignments, the solutions will be posted after the grades are released.

● Students will use their NYU credentials to complete all tasks and communications for this course (Sending emails, attend Zoom meetings, etc)

● Even though attendance will not be taken, but actively participating in live class sessions, by asking questions, and on Brightspace forums, by asking/answering questions, you will get a better understanding of the material and also give me an excuse to push your final grade up when you are at the border of two grades.

● Students should consult the course syllabus first if they have any questions about policies. If the answer is not on the syllabus, then students should reach out to the instructor.

● Students should feel free to openly communicate with the instructor if they experience any confusion regarding the course content.

● If you have a question that you don’t want to email or post on the forums, and cannot make it to office hours, please email me and we can set another meeting to address your question.