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DD262 Web Game Development Assignment #1


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DD262 Web Game Development

Assignment #1

Assignment Description

Your Creative Director has come up with a digital version of the new and totally original tabletop RPG, Strongholds and Centaurs. This game requires its players to create Character Sheets with 5 base stats: Power, Nimbleness, Disposition, Acumen, and Prudence. 

Using JavaScript, HTML and CSS, you are being tasked to create this dynamic Character Sheet!



- An HTML webpage that accepts input, and displays output

- Your CSS and JavaScript files should be linked as separate files

- Any images should be in their own folder called “img”


- An input box where you can type your character’s name.

- A single button that, when clicked, randomly generates 3 random numbers between 1 and 6 (dice rolls) for each stat. (HINT: Functions and variables can be used more than once )

- These three numbers are added together and passed to each stat. (i.e., if you roll three random numbers of 2, 6, and 3, the stat will be 11.)

o The stats cannot be re-rolled or changed once they are set

- A button at the bottom of the sheet that says “Finished!” (or something to that effect.) This button is ONLY CLICKABLE when all stats and a name have been entered.

- Clicking this button will create a popup window with your character name, the stats, and some sort of congratulatory message. The popup is for information only, so it does not need any CSS styling! This button should also disable input.


- The Character Sheet should be well-organized and aesthetically pleasing (laid out nice, good use of colour, etc.)

o A unique background color or image on the Sheet

o Stats section should be in its own div with a border or some other sort of style

o <marquee>

Bonus (this is optional and adds up to an additional 2%)

An input section where you can enter a Race or Species name (whichever you choose.) Doing this will make an image of that race appear somewhere on the sheet. Minimum of 5 races to get all the bonus marks.


Coding should be well-organized and easy to read. This includes tabbing sections over, where applicable, proper variable names. and comments throughout explaining what you are doing.


Relative Points





Code Functionality & Efficiency



Aesthetics/Layout (HTML + CSS)







This Assignment will be worth 20% of your overall mark

Upload Instructions

Please zip the entire folder and all subfolders, and name it (LastName)-DD262-Assignment1.zip

Due Date

This assignment is to be uploaded in the appropriate Dropbox by 11:59 pm EST on February 7th 2024